Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] but [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was so hurt it was like a serious wound , it would start being painful soon but in the meantime there was just an apprehensive numbness .
2 Mr Singh and i drove through the wide streets of New Delhi , empty now but for a few pilgrims washing under the public pumps near the shrine of Nizamuddin .
3 Obedience under legal authority is not owed to an individual personally but to the impersonal and abstract rules specifying the rights of office .
4 Their limbs hung all awry but round the neck of each was a thick , purple line , while the purple-red faces were contorted , swollen tongues held fast between ice-cold lips , eyes rolled back in the sockets .
5 For instance , when poor forms part of an identifying phrase with liar it is natural that its notion of DEFICIENT should most readily be understood to mean a deficiency in the matter of lying ; when a speaker chooses not to use poor attributively but in the predicative construction then a natural inference is that he or she intends the notion DEFICIENT to be taken in the way more typical of human beings in general , that is referring to their material resources .
6 More confident certainly but beneath the banter Diana was a very lonely and unhappy young woman .
7 She seems harsh awhile but in the end accepts his love .
8 Twenty five to ten , it 's twenty five to ten there but in the morning .
9 I 'm seeing Chris about that today but in the absence I I did clear it with Arthur , what i was going to do .
10 According to the Police Federation Anna McGurk might well have been alive today but for the Bail Act of 1976 .
11 It was hot then but on the race day it was cloudy and cool .
12 Fair enough but in the future so as not to have
13 At no time did I ever have one of them ever say to me that they were erm against foxes , but all of a sudden we find ourselves being issued with a er petition from tenant farmers which says that they are against er people like me that er er pro banning , it 's very like er Mr , we ca n't attack Mr cos he 's no longer here but on the , on the issue of er , I C I brought ou .
14 Its grey buildings , mainly guest houses displaying ‘ Vacancies ’ at netted windows , looked bad enough but with a leaden sky and a seafront virtually devoid of life , apart from one or two hopefuls trying to find shelter from driving rain , it was almost guaranteed to sink one 's spirits .
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