Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If there are major disagreements as to concepts ( eg as to whether the warranties are to be very detailed or are merely trying to catch material items ) it may be necessary to have a meeting of the principals to resolve the concepts against which the agreement is to be negotiated .
2 The most prominent aspect of privatisation , as practised by the Conservative government , has been the transfer of ownership of assets from the public sector to the private sector ( as in definition 1 ) , and it is the arguments for this that are now considered .
3 The licensing of the play-text rather than the performance conferred a form of authority on the written artefact and it was this that was supposedly acted .
4 It would be more acceptable if the dam made electricity , but it is silted up because the water analysis got muddled up and the river is much siltier than was originally expected .
5 Currently , the evidence is suggesting that both the motives and the actions are more prevalent than was previously supposed .
6 Wolf arrived in Vienna on Aug. 30 and was briefly detained .
7 Frequently , the newer and more expensive designs prove , after a few years of use ( and a few hundred hapless patients ) , to give results substantially worse than this and are quietly withdrawn from the market despite initial optimism over their theoretical advantages .
8 Many mothers can and do achieve this and are highly motivated to avoid cleaning up soiled nappies .
9 We have done this and are now putting more emphasis on expanded sales to the private sector home market and specific overseas markets , as our recently published results show .
10 The position used to be quite clear and is well summed up in what Scott LJ had to say in the wartime case concerning the soap flakes :
11 She saw Tom 's brow clear and was absurdly gratified to find that her advice was of some use to him .
12 The six other young patients were clear and were immediately isolated from the infected four .
13 Thus it follows that skill training is more generalised and generalisable and is better fitted to the overall role of human operators .
14 The young Hugh Gaitskell , who had become aware of the dangers of fascism on his visit to Austria in the summer of 1933 and was greatly influenced by Dalton , summed up the attitude of this group by arguing that a general strike against all wars was ‘ an invitation to the fascist aggressors . ’
15 An Iranian delegation led by Vellayati visited Damascus on March 7-8 and was reportedly assured by Syrian President Assad that Iran would have a significant role in a post-war Gulf security order .
16 A Marine Firemen 's Union was already in existence in Hull when the Grimsby society accepted formal registration in 1872 and was later opened to deckhands .
17 The well was completed and tested from the Sedco 700 and is now tied back to the Thistle platform .
18 Early visitors to Madeira and Porto Santo were rowed to the beach when the sea was calm and were then carried on the backs of boatmen who rolled up their trousers and waded ashore .
19 ‘ A period commencing after the effective date of insurance and in respect of which the Customer is registered in the United Kingdom with the Department of Employment ( DHSS in Northern Ireland ) as unemployed and is actively seeking Employment ’ .
20 We , on this side , are concerned about the plight of unemployed and are currently running training schemes to help them back into labour market .
21 The majority of these women have remained unemployed and are now working for the opposition movement in a variety of ways .
22 The use of weights coupled with longer exercise periods is very demanding and is only intended for serious athletes .
23 I am finding your mag interesting and am not having to dive for the dictionary too often .
24 By now I had forgotten Vauban and was surreptitiously staring at the two seated figures .
25 We arrived at their home in Bruton , Somerset , only to find that they 'd got the date wrong and were n't prepared for us .
26 The taste is good enough to send half a million people a year squirrelling around in the woods of northern Michigan , in search of something that is often no more than a couple of inches high and is usually hidden under a thick pile of forest-floor debris .
27 The roof was too high and was partly made of glass .
29 Books about sex , illustrated guides to love-making , are also popular and are still considered as novelties in a society where such books have rarely been seen before and where sex was a taboo subject .
30 the recent diesel weekend on the E.L.R. proved extremely popular and was well supported .
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