Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [adv] has " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear that she currently has any diplomatic status , though there is some evidence that the United Nations may still for some purposes recognise her ambassadorship .
2 But the men themselves , who call it ‘ the muppet shop ’ , remain unconvinced that it really has anything to offer .
3 Indeed , he has subverted the stake-in-the-heart , garlic-and-cross myth and has become so popular that he now has his own New Orleans-based fanclub .
4 This was the first time and it was pressure of work that we have n't done it for you to see it earlier , this is not normal so just forgive this one time and we need n't spend any more thought on it because next time it it going to be different and it always has been different .
5 ‘ Participation ’ is another but it also has other sources .
6 He is indeed an exciting player — also i think he is quite young — 22 or 24 or something like that so he also has a future .
7 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
8 I suggest buying a new cone of yarn , unless you happen to have one in the cupboard that is untouched and which still has the price paid for it .
9 However , the SFO 's handling of its investigations has hardly been consistent and it already has set a precedent for the Barrowclough report to be published in full .
10 Not only is colostrum known to be extremely nutritious but it too has special protective properties against illness .
11 Yes , this is possible and it even has a name : superfecundation .
12 And the judge will only do that if he really has to .
13 As Hunt puts it , far straighter than anyone else has ever dared do , ‘ They seemed to be of the opinion that their drivers should n't be paid .
14 This signal is so established and conventional that it hardly has to be noticed .
15 MI5 will remain as unaccountable as it always has been and since it blatantly ignored the 1952 directive for over three decades without once being publicly called to account there is no reason to believe that MI5 will be any more law-abiding now .
16 ‘ You can learn all the moves and practise until you 're silly , ’ he warns , ‘ but in the end you need to put those moves together in a manner that is more efficient and effective than anybody else has done before . ’
17 Working with the management now is a lot better than it ever has been .
18 She is an eagle of a special kind , strong and powerful and she still has enough power to put her strength in my wings .
19 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
20 To me , well , John Entwistle 's great but no-one else has provided such fluid , simple counter-melodies … ’
21 Alas , Thompson and her chosen theatre were star-crossed and she now has a production but nowhere to stage it .
22 Le Touquet 's identity today is a little ambiguous but it still has a nice feel about it .
23 We are sorry that she wo n't be seen by more but it just has not been possible .
24 Do n't be side-tracked because something else has happened .
25 On erm food and noise , we 're still very , very busy indeed , and our figure for noise inspection is higher than it ever has been before , and the comment that was made under that section will show you that some of that most certainly is the amount of work that the team had to carry out during the summer , one of the benefits of our glorious summer is that most of us slept with our windows fully open for three months or more and one of the dis-benefits was that if anybody else down the road had a party that went beyond normal bed-time , everybody shared that , and our team was very busy in consequence .
26 Parents are mostly unwilling to carry it out unless they are very desperate and nothing else has worked .
27 She 's miserable that it all has to end .
28 When newly formed along mid-oceanic ridges it is hot and thin and it probably has a slightly lower density .
29 Nobody believes his story , of course — he looks the same as he always has done .
30 Obtaining compliance will be as difficult as it always has been , but an international community which has used sanctions to encourage change in southern Africa should be able to tackle the much more serious issues of enforcement associated with climate change and international security .
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