Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 got a very low test statistic either in terms of kie or F right so we have n't reached but the model is still a poor model because we do n't have erm er stable parameters , right , so you would actually reject this model as it stands , alright , because it did n't pass the diagnostic test statistics but there is no point generating parameters w if they , if they are not constant and you 're gon na say elastic demand is one point four six or really it it 's ranged between minus three plus , plus six over the sample , so you put estimate means so it must have constant parameters .
2 So we was talking about things like that and so she she said like selling her car now she told us how much money she made on it .
3 Well with this stuff , they could n't do that and then they they they their stomach used to get compacted the they they they could n't er could n't er get their cud up and caused a lot of stomach trouble .
4 The last one we had we had a budget of ten thousand pounds the company which did it said that it would normally not take on a project of that sort of cost but they found a junior member of staff to take it on and the end product I mean that 's going back nearly five years now , was quite er acceptable and welcome but now it it looks very much out , the force has been reorganised , we need to give it a new look .
5 That 's all and then I I I was looked after the production machinery for about fifteen years the top here .
6 We canna have everybody putting eights , nines and tens and nobody putting ones , twos , and threes because then it it becomes meaningless er , in relation to the section it 's got to bear some relation to what sort of standard you expect from a child at at such
7 ‘ Will nothing convince you that it is I and not he who is trying to escape ? ’
8 please sir , I want some more , the master of the but he turned very pale and then he what , said the master at in a stern voice , please sir , replied Oliver I want some more , the master glare at Oliver 's head with the ladle
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