Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Children are found in need of care , protection and control if the court establishes that they are not receiving the sort of care a good parent may reasonably be expected to give and they are falling into bad associations , are exposed to moral danger , or the lack of care is likely to cause suffering or seriously affect their health or proper development , or if it establishes that they are beyond the control of their parents .
2 erm could actually do , so what we are saying here is it needs to be considered seriously in answer so you know we hope the Liberal Democrats will perhaps come in and support us on this or perhaps amend their motion and send this via the panel .
3 It was this that finally scuppered her opponent .
4 This is entirely understandable since repeating familiar , and previously sufficiently successful , behaviour patterns is far easier than constantly modifying your behaviour to suit differing circumstances .
5 Indeed , the very property of being conscious might undo the force of these arrangements since it is the characteristic of conscious thought to change , work-over and constantly review its operations against the datum of the senses and the inner needs of the organism .
6 He had a peculiar way of dismounting — instead of putting his right leg over the saddle in the usual fashion , he used to put his left leg on a step protruding from the rear spindle , stand on this and gently place his right leg to the ground .
7 So now you can stay fresh and still allow your skin to breathe .
8 Other parents use humour and may even deliberately say the opposite of what is required in the knowledge that the child will then do the reverse of the request : ‘ I really do n't think you should eat that last spoonful ’ will challenge children to prove their parents wrong and consequently finish their meal .
9 It took many days of calm slow work to reduce his expectation of galloping and consequently reduce his degree of pulling .
10 The therapist suggested that possibly she tended to set herself standards that were too high and also underestimated her own ability .
11 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
12 Flt Lt Marshall was extremely embarrassed and always avoided my eye whenever he came into the Met Office after that .
13 Cognos notes that it first entered the Japanese market in 1985 and initially sold its products there through distributors for Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and Data General Corp hardware .
14 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
15 Surely they will provide the final lesson that rock 'n' roll needs more thinking , more philosophising in a real sense before we can ever allow another four-square Smiths to appear , vastly entertaining but also clutching their own downfall .
16 He devised a set of heavy draft horse casting hobbles which are now outmoded but still bear his name .
17 The young boy was extremely embarrassed but soon swallowed his pride and climbed back into his canoe while we all fell about with laughter around him and it was then that I heard the bang .
18 She was always careful while here to cast her inquiries in the form of statements and she said , choosing her words meticulously , ‘ I expect Jasper was a bit off-colour this morning so you felt it wiser not to send him to school .
19 The 26-year-old England international was content to track Sunderland Harrier Malcolm Price for most of the race , kicking away with 1,400 metres remaining and gradually extending his lead to win by 70 metres .
20 Swail defeated Tony Drago 5-3 and then expressed his amazement at being left out of the B&H Irish Masters at Goffs next month .
21 Sometimes it was Ruth 's job to look after them both , though not often , since Edward had his own governess , Miss Fitch , who was omnipresent and jealously guarded her position .
22 This time , with some need to be cautious and not show her hand too soon , she said nothing to Ellen whom she judged would most likely have forgotten she had sworn to come and get Oreste herself .
23 It is starkly simple and exactly states its purpose demonstrating that even the most primitive of beliefs and traditional practices are valid materials on which to build not only the style but the dramatic content of a ballet .
24 Matallana , who emphasized that he was not a communist and had no regrets for his past anti-guerrilla role , stated that the M-19 had proved itself to be politically honest and now shared his belief that Colombia could only achieve change via the polls .
25 ‘ His sisters spoil him rotten and so does his mother — but I do n't , ’ says Harry .
26 They may not bite as such but simply close their jaws around your hand for a few moments .
27 Each species of coral has its own pattern of budding and so erects its own characteristic monument .
28 ‘ It often happens that one who at first was listening gladly becomes exhausted and now opens his mouth no longer to give assent but to yawn , and even involuntarily gives signs that he wants to depart .
29 Area panels which have been so bitterly criticised , and neighbourhood forums , have since confirmed the wisdom of that process and the rejection of a Tory budget process , driven not by the needs of the community but the need to deliver the firm Thatcherite message which is still there , set a poll tax as low as possible and then work your priorities backwards irrespective of the consequences .
30 ‘ Maybe the French told her to act pregnant and so lengthen her stay in Scotland ! ’
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