Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] had the " in BNC.

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1 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
2 Finally , foreign museums started contacting the Ministry of Culture and asking if they could buy , let us say , a picture by Malévich or Popova , and then it became clear that I had the pictures .
3 Now that was er , it was er or they were oranges what had been cut in half and they had the centre taken out so it was just the orange peel and that was pressed into these barrels , filled with water and that was then brought up on to the quay , left on the quay and that used to go to .
4 ‘ Of course ’ he said sitting down again ‘ it would have been so much easier if we had the assassin alive and on trial .
5 ‘ Do you think it would be different if we had the opportunity to be together every night ? ’
6 They might be different if he had the opportunity to change them after each stage of the count .
7 ‘ The other man 's grass is always greener and I had the opportunity when I was younger to work abroad .
8 Simon Wigg says that everybody was laughing at him because the bike looked so different but he had the last laugh … won the title and that 's what it 's all about …
9 The electric bill used to be so high because we had the electric fire on all the time and we used to leave the oven on as well .
10 You 've got all the same things in common , you 've all got a baby and you were all under-age when you had the baby and most of us done exams .
11 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
12 Mancini 's account is an inversion of that suggested here , but it is possible that he had the spectrum of conciliar opinion right and then misread its implications .
13 And while Leith was thinking , heavens , Rosemary was a year older than her and had been married , and was starting to feel grateful that she had the parents she had , Rosemary was going on , ‘ They 're both out at the moment . ’
14 To my astonishment the words came flooding back , and for some ten minutes , while the train lay cocooned in a web of silence and darkness , I continued my singing , grateful that I had the compartment to myself .
15 In Merkur Island Shipping Corporation v. Laughton the defendants were in fact given a copy of the charter of the trapped vessel before the application for an injunction , but the House of Lords held that they had the requisite knowledge independently of this .
16 Erm , you will remember that after the last meeting we were going to have a meeting with Mr which we , which we subsequently did have and we put forward several erm possible uses for the old hospital , including re-siting of the library , relocation of the council offices , police station , day centre for the elderly , day services for the physically disabled , for young mothers and children centre and for a mental health services centre and he was delighted that we had the meeting because he has to meet with his superiors late in December , early January , when he has been asked to put forward ideas .
17 Burrows became more and more convinced that he had the right man .
18 The sounds seemed very far off and yet distinct and he had the sensation of a secret , sinister busy-ness , like the scrabbling of mice behind the wainscot .
19 It would be highly dangerous if we had the choice of tampering with instinct .
20 The road back was easy and she had the chance to look around .
21 Miss Watson 's appearance when she opened the side door alarmed Miss Fogerty quite as much as it had the small boy .
22 ‘ We were too hurried when we had the ball and Spartak passed us out of it . ’
23 Yeah , that 's right and we had the car park last year did n't we ?
24 I was shaking , shivering and sweating and I had the most awful pain going through my body .
25 So to a certain extent the idea was to that if we had the thing worked out it would be of great benefit to the people who were popping by .
26 Yes they they amalgamated then this parties and that and they had the you see .
27 yeah but what I 'm saying is , it was somewhere between eighty six and eighty eight cos you had the Renault
28 I do n't think I 'm the only volunteer who 's ashamed of their early attitude to AIDS and I 'm only glad that we had the sense , collectively , to listen to reason before the calls began .
29 Glad that he had the shadows to conceal his distaste , Oscar shook it , and bid the boor goodnight .
30 I AM a new member of Amnesty International , and read with interest the letters of criticism ( AMNESTY June/July ) about your appeal envelope — I 'm glad that you had the courage to print such obviously justified disapproval .
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