Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] do [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 All I do know is that we 're very conscious a great deal of money 's been spent by the Council and by the Trust to try and make the place outside more inviting those tubs been put there er they been planted etc there 's a lot of litter there we 've put litter bins there there 's taxi rank there there 's lot 's of things been put there I think the problem is it is n't the people who do that I mean it 's the people who actually do the litter and it 's quite clear that we do go out we do tidy up but it happens and it 's a case of balance of what we can do and what you ca n't do but we do work at it I can assure you .
2 So , for example if somebody does reject a young man in a way that erm is n't appropriate in his eyes , he might then go around and start calling her all sorts of names and generally making other men think of her in bad way , and of course no eighteen year old woman wants young men to think badly of her , and so she puts pressure on herself not to reject advances too openly or too obviously or something like that , and the whole cycle starts again , and so and I think this is the sort of thing the college just can not have anything to do with , because that really is going too far , that 's interfering with the the one thing we could do , perhaps , is talk to the young women and make it clear that they do have the right to reject advances and that what they 've got to be concerned about whilst they 're at university is they 're academic career and making sure that that is n't affected by harassment .
3 But , they also go on headed note paper which says Oxford City Council Environmental Health Department and all the other stuff we put on the top , erm and it 's perfectly clear that they do come from the City Department upon your behalf .
4 To risk his job — and Sir Daniel had made it very clear that he did risk it — was a courageous thing to do when you considered how few editors ' chairs there were on the Street .
5 I 'd just like to make this perfectly clear that I did write a draft for work and leisure .
6 I think my question will make it clear that I do understand that .
7 If we 're to win Fairclough must mark flash well and Newsome and possibly Pemberton play out of their skins — Battyburn do n't just have flash although it does appear that way at times .
8 It is , however , right and proper that we do report to this sub- committee on the activities of the staff commission , and that I do in the paper before you .
9 Obviously , one can not accept anything that Philby says since he would have a vested interest in causing mischief amongst the British security services , but it is interesting that he did volunteer the suggestion that MI6 was involved .
10 It is , therefore , important to be aware of this if you do go on such a course .
11 Others see this and they do cope , but keep their heads down .
12 At every gig we went to , there was a woman there — that 's what we wanted , we liked to see women hanging around the star attraction of the group because he was good-looking and he did stand out and look good on stage .
13 She did her best to try and in to make things a little bit more er interesting and she did start a tennis club up , which was nice because there was nothing at all before then .
14 Well it 'd show willing if we did get a bit of all on would n't it ?
15 In nineteen hundred and twelve the Dutch came and the Oxford Motor Club entertained them and we went all round the High Wycome area , Cophill and that on hill climbs , so we re-enacted it last year and I was riding my nineteen fourteen motorcycle , and I was asked — I was the oldest rider — how old are you ? — I said eighty years old — and what is your biggest difficulty ? — and I said getting my leg over , which I really literally meant because the saddle 's very high and I do have a job getting my leg over the saddle !
16 ‘ Yes we are friends , we have known each other since we were both 12 years old and we do spend lots of time together , ’ she said .
17 It 'd be funny if she did fall on her nose .
18 It 's smart , effective , ecologically sound and it does pop in such a thirst-rousing way .
19 I think the things that have come out of this for me er from Councillor actually is that it would be unlikely that we , we or would be allocating that plan today and I think the amount of traffic has increased through the town centre would make it foolish and one does wonder at the wisdom if all the development went along which had to be serviced then through er Street and through the town centre in to the main areas of employment that happened years ago .
20 Because you 're seen in public and you do sing in public , there 's a lot of people that sing but as you say it 's sometimes just in their own homes or they used to but they would never sing in public , they used to sing in the choir .
21 ‘ He 's being very brave but he did adore her , you know . ’
22 We did n't go to the funeral , but me cousin Dora who was Aunt Lucy 's daughter , she got there was er Walter , , Walter and Leonard were in a pram and me cousin Dora went down Lane and wh to the corner of Street and watched the funeral go past up to I 've got vague memories of that they 're not clear but I do know that he took us to watch me dad 's funeral past the corner of Street and I presume that now that it must have gone up Street up to Street street , cos he 's buried at Ryecroft .
23 The final option , fitting your own hard disk , is definitely the cheapest but it does need some skill with a screw driver .
24 The fee for performing at Yeovilton was not high but they did offer free fuel .
25 The disadvantages of friendship are very few but they do exist .
26 The revolution at Northampton may have been different but it did have uncanny echoes of what had gone on at Neath .
27 One job has led to another but I do remember a particular film audition which I walked out of , much to the concern of everyone , my agent , and the casting director .
28 Our role is to propose a prudent council tax and that is what we 've done and at the end of the day I agree , the figures are juggled one way or another but it does show a net saving of one point three million and however you look at it Mr Mayor I 'm sure the leader of the council , if he adopted these proposals , could then find somewhere a sum for a stress control officer .
29 ‘ I am not worried by this because I do believe war has been glamorised beyond all belief . ’
30 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
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