Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Among the Buid , momentary expressions of anger may be viewed in the first instance as indicative of a momentary desire to harm another , but if such conduct becomes persistent or habitual it is almost always reinterpreted as being caused by hostile mystical forces and thus as not being under the deliberate control of the individual .
2 it 's complete in itself and er people by human nature like things to be complete or whole it is it is emotionally satisfying .
3 In fact , if one believes that policies are wrong or ineffective it is important to understand why this is so , particularly if one 's objective is to change them .
4 ‘ the actual words are clear and unambiguous it is not permissible to have recourse to the corresponding provisions in the earlier statute repealed by the consolidation Act and to treat any difference in their wording as capable of casting doubt upon what is clear and unambiguous language in the consolidation Act itself . ’
5 Over the period between 1872 and 1905 it is probable that increased facilities for reporting and prosecuting cattle theft resulted in a gradual increase in the proportion of crimes which were reported .
6 And do n't think about how charming and witty he is , either .
7 Moderator I too would want to resist th th the addendum that has been proposed for number two because it seems to me that we 're concerned as a church with the issue of baptism and initiation and we want to keep our mind and our ideas firmly fixed on that however unpleasant and uncomfortable it is .
8 Between 1193 and 1201 it is possible that he is to be identified with a master Elias , steward to Gilbert de Glanville , bishop of Rochester [ q.v. ] , a close friend and kinsman of Hubert Walter .
9 In public and private she is a relentless educator .
10 How easy or difficult it is for girls to tell their parents that they are pregnant also depends on how accustomed they are to confiding in their mothers or fathers about periods , boyfriends , sex and contraception .
11 We have to have some independent arguments about how easy or difficult it is for life to originate on a planet , before we can even begin to answer the question of how many other planets in the universe have life .
12 Following the survey meeting , and before preparing the quote , it is worth getting BIC to make a quick trawl to indicate how easy or difficult it is likely to be to obtain information .
13 If a friend has had work done by a particular building firm and found them reliable , honest and efficient it is likely that you will too .
14 It 's amazing how easy and tempting it is to eat a little more when we are offered food of a different flavour and texture — the dessert after a savoury meal , for instance .
15 Since nearly all High Court judges are appointed when they are between about 45 and 57 it is likely that they will have shed such political enthusiasms as they may have had when young and have formed firm views about how the country should be run .
16 However , during the 1680s and 1690s it is difficult to distinguish his parliamentary activities from those of his younger but politically more significant cousin , Sir John Lowther of Lowther , first Viscount Lonsdale [ q.v . ] ,
17 The stronger , more definite and consistent it is , the more important it will be as a symptom of the case .
18 Be it industrial , domestic or social it is a major cause of neighbour disputes .
19 This depends on his time preference for present and future consumption which , to some extent , depends on how patient or impatient he is .
20 The rational agent can then calculate the expected utility of each action by assigning a ‘ utility ’ ( a quotient of happiness , so to speak ) to each consequence and discounting it for how likely or unlikely it is to be the actual consequence .
21 In fact , although this passage sounds rapid and colloquial it is still easier to analyse than a full-speed conversational interchange .
22 He can be a bit lazy but ability-wise he is in a class of his own .
23 ( b ) ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION TYPE — ( weighing up something and saying how fair , sensible , reasonable or true it is )
24 It can not see how good or bad it is in reaching its objectives unless it engages with them for most of the manager 's time .
25 This may be zero , though in multi-programming or multi-tasking it is likely to be finite .
26 In erm Romans chapter three and verse twenty seven it says that er Jesus died for our sins and I 'd just like to leave this thought with you , that n er just like me , when I could have died the other week in that plane crash , that none of us knows how long we 've got on this life and , however long or short it is , there 's no time like the present to get right with God if you , if you are n't and the only way to do that is through Jesus .
27 The Commission argue that in order for the industrial base of the EC to be effective and dynamic it is important that a free and competitive environment , based on the creation of the SEM with a strong Community competition policy , be supplemented by harmonised or coordinated policies in other areas .
28 Merely to embark on such an approach reveals how inadequate and simplistic it is .
29 How good and pleasant it is
30 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity …
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