Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 This deprives the zooxanthellae in their tissues of oxygen , light and food and they quickly die and are cast off by their invertebrate host .
2 Hindsight throws a retrospective shadow over people and events which distort light and shade as they were actually perceived at the time .
3 Indonesian conservationists have reported that at least 1,000 orang-utangs have been smuggled from the country 's forests via Singapore to Taiwan , where they are popular as pets before they grow to adult size .
4 Neoclassicism allowed that some offenders were less guilty than others because they were less responsible .
5 The Vasiliki ware included some peculiar long-spouted ‘ teapots ’ and jugs : the spouts have distinctive upturned sides and a curious joint or articulation before they join the main body of the vessel .
6 Reactivity : The alkenes are much more reactive than alkanes because they are ‘ unsaturated ’ ( have double bonds in their structure ) .
7 No doubt Lenin was mistaken in assuming that administrative functions ( control and accounting ) were so simple and routine that they could be accomplished without special professional training and experience .
8 The rest of the maids had been threatened with hell-fire and damnation if they breathed a word .
9 It is a matter of politics as much as education whether they grasp the flow of history and understand how events flow into one another .
10 He shook his head , his eyes dark as glass as they studied her .
11 ‘ Children are not so serious as grown-ups and they love to laugh . ’
12 Her eyes were so wide-set and widely-opened that they consumed half her face in a dazzling pool of greenish-blue radiance .
13 Join Zitz , Rash and Pimple as they tackle the evil Dark Queen .
14 The girl was already in England , but was brought back to Ireland by her parents , who faced a fine or imprisonment if they ignored the injunction .
15 I had read the pamphlets and knew of relaxation , meditation , imaging , healing and counselling but they meant little to me .
16 It was the ambition of Vladimir and his son Yaroslav to create at Kiev a city as fine as Constantinople and they planned monasteries , churches and schools .
17 Those who have this skill are usually no brighter or cleverer than others but they do have an element in their make up which others lack — they are organised .
18 These are more effective than shampoos because they are applied directly to the scalp and left on for longer .
19 Very few food poisoning bacteria grow if they are colder than 5°C and they are killed if heated above 63°C .
20 Last season , the cherry and whites or black and reds as they were scored 12-9 , thanks to this winning try from Paul Ashmead .
21 Now the GA aerodrome is no more , the ATZ has vanished from the charts , and the good citizens of Grimbergen are finding they have exchanged the gentle putter of Lycomings and Continentals for the full-throated roar of northbound RR- , GE- and P & W-powered 747s and Airbuses as they thunder over their rooftops after take-off from Brussels ' Runway 25R .
22 Internal dating in Fragments B to D indicates with all but certainty that they were written on a daily progression ; B at the rate of three pairs of verses a day from 27 July to 29 October 1759 ; one verse a day from 30 October 1759 to 1 June 1760 ; and three verses a day from 2 June to 26 August 1760 ; C at the rate of two verses a day from 21 February to 12 May 1761 ; and D at the rate of one verse a day from 12 June 1762 to 30 January 1763 .
23 No the er I think there as good as Vax but they 're not as cheap
24 For them , women were as good as men because they were no different from men .
25 ‘ You have n't heard the end of this , ’ he ground out , his eyes black as pitch as they locked on her face .
26 If such an interpretation were accepted , such stamps can be viewed as more than decoration as they become symbols conveying information about family .
27 Blake noticed that people used more than words when they communicated with each other , and realised that horses did the same .
28 Little more than children when they first arrived .
29 Our results would support this viewpoint as men where found to be more lateralised than women and they have poorer language ability , but superior visual ability .
30 Our four English mystics may lack the imaginative and mythical depths of the great Kabbalists and Sufis , they may not be as daring and extreme as Eckhart and they certainly do not have the lyrical passion of the sixteenth century Spanish mystics St Teresa of Avila ( 1515–82 ) and St John of the Cross ( 1542–91 ) , but they bear witness to the profundity and intelligence of the new English spirituality of their day .
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