Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It would have to be a fast one , and expensive — offhand , Rincewind could n't think of any horse-dealer he knew who was rich enough to give change out of almost a whole ounce of gold .
2 Under the heated steel rings and leather , his shirt was wet enough to wring water out of , and his skin shivered with cold .
3 But the Guider and all the Pack learned later on about her meeting with the stranger on the seat , because at the next Pack Meeting the Guider read out a letter from Mr. Bishop , the estate agent , which said the Earl of Ferngrove had given special instructions that the Brownie Guide Pack could continue to use the Park whenever they wished , as he was quite satisfied , thanks to a chat he 'd had with one of them , that they were very careful not to leave litter about in the Park .
4 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
5 And he said : ‘ When she 's got problems of her own yet takes time out to do this , it leaves me tremendously impressed .
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