Example sentences of "[verb] done it for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Sainsburys is er the very one that has done it for years !
2 We 've done it for years , even won the FA Cup , but I do n't now how long I can go on .
3 For example if you had the London Mozart players here as we frequently did and frequently played to full houses , then even with a hundred percent house there was a subsidy required of something like seven or eight pounds per seat , in order to meet the cost of presenting that particular concert and we 've done it for years but sadly when we had to make cuts that was one of things the board decided they had to cut up they had to save money somehow .
4 I 've done it for years , and if I may say it myself , I 'm quite good at it .
5 But banks unfortunately do charge , negotiating fee and then interest at exciting rates , erm solicitors will do it sometimes , we 've done it for clients where we know that it 's not too large an amount and we know that there are assets easily obtained because that way the client saves the banks administration fee .
6 I have done it for years .
7 Hayley I tell you what , have a word with my mother because my mother 's done it for years , always taken tablets , and I reckon this is half her problem now cos she 's got to her old age she 's on the change , and these things have affected her throughout her life now .
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