Example sentences of "[verb] money [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Old Steenie , he 'd make money out of a kid 's conker match ; Nigel 'd close The Mousetrap within a week . ’
2 Faced with the problems of letting businessmen make money out of the railway timetable without cancelling the Eastern service as uneconomic , he was the very model of a fifth-century Hellene under a tree in the Agra .
3 Baldwin had a profound distaste for those who had made money out of the war and in 1919 he made an anonymous donation of part of his wealth to the nation as his personal sacrifice ; Neville Chamberlain was greatly affected by the death of his cousin Norman and determined that such sacrifice should not be wasted .
4 The mother of an incontinent daughter , who had been lent money out of the DSS Social Fund to buy a washing machine , had the machine removed by a bailiff .
5 These are clubs which get money out of the public purse in the form of rates relief . ’
6 The reason many directors resist starting a pension scheme is simply that it takes money out of the business for example , for expansion .
7 ( The purchase of Treasury bills takes money out of the money markets as it flows to the government , therefore sales of Treasury bills during a shortage creates a greater shortage .
8 Now she was asleep , her fists clenched and her hair half-way into a quarter-eaten plate of spaghetti , so Haverford called for il doloroso and to his daughter 's surprise pulled money out of a back pocket , new ten thousand lire notes .
9 The final point is taking money out of the reserves to make sure that we do n't have to put back twenty two pounds on the council tax .
10 Fifth , it is well established that , if the Crown pays money out of the consolidated fund without authority , such money is ipso facto recoverable if it can be traced : see Auckland Harbour Board v. The King [ 1924 ] A.C. 318 .
11 The statute of Carlisle effectively did this and as well it barred English and foreign religious from carrying money out of the realm .
12 Making money out of a crisis .
13 Making money out of the use of bothies !
14 Making money out of the misfortune of others has long been a speciality of Swiss banks .
15 But the citizens of Sinkport were far too busy with fishing , boat-building , buying and selling and making money out of the tourists to take much notice of such happenings .
16 But there it is , and outside and foreign firms will put money in , especially if subsidized by temporary government measures , for as you know , public investment in private industry is judged to be ideologically correct , while public investment for public and community concerns is judged ideologically to be harmful , but the firms are interested in making money out of the region if I may so put it , not in sustaining world promotion and healthy living in the region .
17 The teenagers conned money out of the public by pretending to raise sponsorship for a bungy jump with half the proceeds going to charity .
18 But be sure of one thing , ’ he added bitterly , ‘ whoever makes money out of the deal , it wo n't be Brian Harley . ’
19 Anything Crabb 's fiancée , Mrs Rose , might claim would be quietly denigrated by a smear campaign alleging she was hysterical , mentally disturbed , or anxious to make money out of the affair by selling her story to the press .
20 The problem is going to get much larger , and it is not good enough simply to make money out of the rush to home ownership .
21 It has to tell the world openly that the mid-range machine is its chosen contender as the central repository for the 21st century , and above all make convincing its commitment to the AS/400 by rushing out top end machines that are much bigger than the present top model while instituting a crash programme to slash the costs of manufacture — and then slash them again , work out how to make money out of the machine while charging much less for the software — and making all the remaining System 36 users an offer they ca n't refuse to convert to the AS/400 , even if every sale to that base is a dead loss to IBM .
22 When the Duke of Montrose arranged for his own appointment as bailie of the regality of Glasgow in the winter of 1714/15 , in order to prevent the office from being obtained by his rival the Duke of Argyll , the object was not to make money out of the profits of the court but to increase the duke 's influence in the city of Glasgow .
23 Meanwhile Tottenham celebrated bouncing out of the red as they banked nearly £6m from the sale of former Magpie Paul Gascoigne and immediately announced new plans to make money out of the midfield wizard .
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