Example sentences of "[verb] rather [conj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like others , we saw postprandial gall bladder filling rather than contraction at 45 minutes and four hours after injection .
2 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
3 These data , as presented , are difficult to interpret because ( i ) fewer crypt intraepithelial lymphocytes than surface intraepithelial lymphocytes ( per 100 enterocyte nuclei ) were found ; ( ii ) no detectable response to gluten/gliadin challenge , contrary to other findings , was observed ; and ( iii ) data were analysed and presented in terms of total specimens counted rather than numbers of patients from whom all such specimens derived .
4 He made himself over by taking up body-building in the Scottish style — which is long and lean rather than pillows of bulk — and changed his name from Thomas to Sean ( in Edinburgh , he 's still universally known as ‘ Big Tam ’ ) .
5 I think it would be fun to use fabric paints rather than hunting for and knitting lots of different colours .
6 the basis of these arguments have been whether methods such as sign language and finger spelling — hand actions allowing written English to be communicated within the understanding population — are as useful and effective as the technique known as ‘ total oralism ’ — the stressing of speech and lip reading rather than communication with signs .
7 These findings are consistent with the data of Simmonds et al although they used myeloperoxidase staining rather than measurement of myeloperoxidase activity , and the concentration of azide they used was 10-fold higher than concentrations that are believed to be specific for myeloperoxidase inhibition and thus may have been somewhat non-selective .
8 In fact , Boltho points out that the greater part of the equalisation that has occurred in the EC since the 1950s is due to greater inter-country equality rather than greater intra-country equality , i.e. disparities have been reduced as nations as a whole have converged rather than regions within nations moving closer together .
9 That is , it provides data on what government consumes rather than data about what government does or about the purposes for which money is spent .
10 A realistic genre has less obtrusive conventions , but still has always to recognize that it can never evoke as real unless the audience welcomes rather than shrinks from the awareness .
11 Differs from Mute Swan in yellow base instead of orange tip to knobless bill , also in upright carriage of neck at rest , in whistling rather than throbbing of wings in flight , and in more vocal habits .
12 Because words have ares of meaning rather than points of meaning you must be alert for mismatch in meaning when you translate from your own language to another .
13 The ancient Forest offices of verderer , regarder and agister had ‘ become merely nominal and … bestowed rather as Marks of Favour and Distinction upon Gentlemen of Consideration in the Neighbourhood , than as Appointments of real Use or Responsibility . ’
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