Example sentences of "[verb] place at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is that sperm production takes place at a temperature a couple of degrees lower than body temperature , so the process has to take place outside the body to function properly .
2 If the relocation takes place at a time when it is important for a child to complete a course of education , e.g. GCE examinations , the company will pay reasonable board and lodging costs for the child up to a maximum of £200 per month for the remainder of that school term or until all examinations are complete within that academic year .
3 In the context of inflationary scenarios this formation takes place at a time ( refs 14 , 15 ) .
4 This takes place at a time prearranged to be mutually convenient .
5 This will take place at a celebration breakfast for Opportunity 2000 's first anniversary on 17 November at the Park Lane Hotel .
6 Throughout implementation of the job , communication will take place at a variety of levels and the skill with which it is handled will often dictate the ultimate success of the job .
7 He is leading an English team to compete in the first ever Irish staging of the Jack Charlton Trout Cup — an event which will take place at a lake near Bantry in County Cork on March 29 and 30 .
8 Ideally , further education activities should take place at a time when the qualified staff can most easily be spared .
9 This should take place at a time when the individual is able to engage in detailed discussion .
10 Such effects could take place at a number of different levels within the political system : an individual 's relationship to another could change as a result of the media just as an individual 's relationship to an institution could change as an outcome of media work , and so on .
11 Virtually nothing is known of Freeman 's early years ; he shrouded his early life in great mystery and even the details of his secondary schooling — which apparently took place at a boarding-school in north London — remained unknown to his closest relatives .
12 His 1939 journey took place at a time when anti-British sentiments were beginning to reach Hadhramaut from Cairo and there was increasing criticism of the privileges of sayyid rulers .
13 The controversy which surrounded these events , and which periodically exercised the District Executive and enlivened the District Council , took place at a time when tutor-organisers were less established figures than they were to be in the 1960s and 1970s .
14 Early trials of the new drug took place at a time when the transplantation of kidneys and other organs was being vigorously investigated .
15 The conference took place at a time of great political turmoil , and there were calls for the resignation of President Collor and an end to corruption .
16 True , but in some cases that did not amount to all that much , and while inter-war legislation obviously provided the experience for the post-war Planning Acts which followed , the development of statutory land-use control took place at a time when particular environmental changes seemed to be little affected by formal planning powers .
17 The withdrawal of most full-time students ' entitlement to those benefits took place at a time when substantial additional resources were being made available to students through the education system .
18 The session took place at a time of intense political debate in China , with Deng Xiaoping , the country 's " elder statesman " leader , leading a drive for the implementation of more fundamental economic reforms [ see pp. 38813-14 ; 38764 ; 38722 ] .
19 This left-wing revival among the electorate took place at a time when some devoted socialists were becoming disillusioned with the prospects of actually accomplishing any sort of social revolution during the war itself .
20 The Spanish Civil War took place at a time of growing tension in Europe , on account of the increasingly belligerent attitude of Hitler 's Germany and the less bellicose , but also expansionist , intentions of fascist Italy .
21 The areas enclosed in the south of the county were on average larger than those in the east , so it is likely that enclosure there took place at a time when conditions were more conducive to the practice .
22 As a result , the purchaser can now be held responsible for all dismissal claims by employees dismissed in connection with the sale even if the dismissals took place at a time earlier than literally " immediately before " the transfer .
23 The incident took place at a house on Jerviston Street in New Stevenson at around eight o'clock last night .
24 The court held that trespass to air space was not committed where the flight took place at a height which did not affect the use of the land .
25 It was as if things were taking place at a distance , in some dream-like realm .
26 But those big percentage reductions are taking place at a point on the network where the southern bypass has already reduced the flows , so th those parts of the network would be much less in need of relief .
27 Questioned by Paul Cullen , prosecuting , the girl said the offences had taken place at a house where she had stayed with her parents and at her grandmother 's house .
28 ‘ He sent a message to the governor explaining that the thefts continued to take place at a time when the firm had transferred me to England for a period of six months .
29 Press criticism inspired by certain currents within the FLN meanwhile accused the government of having played " Russian roulette " with the country 's future by allowing the elections to take place at a time when an Islamist win likely .
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