Example sentences of "[verb] different [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The desk would have various microfilm viewing positions to enable a user to compare different items alongside each other .
2 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
3 As she flies through the dark , or gallops on the horse of night , she is using different skills from those of our daytime world .
4 Alternatively , you can sometimes save money by using different firms for each process .
5 Remarkably , Kieslowski shot and edited the ten films back-to-back over a 21-month period using different cinematographers on each production .
6 When there are a number of individuals or groups from different disciplines and pursuing different objectives within some overall specification it is obviously crucial that all their activities should be in line with the common goal .
7 We 'd make different judgments about this .
8 Culturelink , which is published quarterly , profiles different organisations in each issue under its ‘ Networking in Progress ’ section .
9 Here , the two procedures provide different approaches to any mechanism attitude change , and this results in quite different techniques being applied in order to preserve the integrity of the assembly .
10 Further hypotheses might be considered ; for example , the effect of slope could be incorporated into the model by assigning different probabilities to each of the directions of flow .
11 Your essay is an argument , and you should present different sides of that argument .
12 In the Habsburg lands Slav nationalism assumed different forms from those it displayed in the Ottoman empire , but it eventually had the same disruptive force in challenging the five-hundred-year-old supremacy of the imperial institutions .
13 Different countries put different interpretations on these manageable levels .
14 Several linguists have suggested that different languages give different priorities to each of these functions , depending on how fixed their system of word-order is .
15 Alright , as we tend to , as each is observed empirically , as we , as we get wealthier , not only do we want to consume more of some good , but we want to consume different varieties of some , of some good .
16 So , as far as the , the erm , erm , report is concerned er , if I 've got to make a recommendation , because obviously people have got different views on this one , it would be in fact that we go for total er , information so that people can make up their own minds , and if , and it might be wrong , but they can exercise their own prejudices .
17 The engines faced different ways on this occasion , each travelling chimney first when hauling the longer train .
18 One long conversation , you can use different parts of that one long conversation is that what you say ?
19 And you can use different techniques in each of the phases .
20 The two characters play different roles in the conception suggested by the sentence , and it is likely ( though not inevitable ) , that they will continue to play different roles in any future development of the discourse .
21 They come into the world not just as bundles of flesh and bone but with already distinctive personalities capable of initiating different responses from those around them .
22 Multiple-key applications present different problems from those associated with the single-key files discussed so far .
23 The ‘ quarr ’ wall enclosed open sheds facing different directions for all weather .
24 I very much doubt , though it is unnecessary for me to decide the point , that the use of the plural in paragraph 12 was intended to connote different defendants in several different unconsolidated actions , since there was only one single action in being in the Kalfelis case , and paragraph 13 ( not quoted above ) would seem to envisage a claim by the same plaintiff , unlike the present litigation where there are a very large number of different plaintiff banks in different actions .
25 One of the I 'm sure one of the results of Britain 's closer links with Europe is that there is greater contact between churches speaking different languages across these Catholic/Protestant boundaries .
26 Different schools of economists have preached different solutions to these problems .
27 She walked over to an outhouse which , in comparison with the rest of the place , looked extremely tidy in that on the shelves were arrayed different tools of all shapes and sizes ; and on the walls , hanging from nails , was all the accoutrement that went to the dressing of a horse : collars , bridles , saddles , some stiffened with age , others looking usable .
28 We have to try to imagine a complex future in which different groups of the elderly will have different experiences from those of the present and from one another .
29 At the same time individuals will enter into organisations for different reasons and will have different expectations of that organisation .
30 God in Christ , through taking on a particular instance of humanity , shares with all human beings the universal , humanity , and it is that which is of significance , even though he may have different particularities from some other individuals .
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