Example sentences of "[verb] us [vb infin] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 We will meet at Fortingall tomorrow , and let us make it the biggest meeting of all — the Glen Lyon folk will join us there , and once Breadalbane joins with Atholl , then they will know that the whole people is on thy move .
2 Let us consider what the interviewer is trying to do when seeking an interview and what the reaction of the informant may be .
3 let us see what the statement of claim alleges , or rather does not allege .
4 So let us see what the questionnaire can tell us .
5 I know that Coventry is nowhere near Calderdale , but let us see what the hon. Gentleman can do .
6 The episode as reported , involved a confrontation between a family , let us call them the Joneses , and a number of young people .
7 Let us call it the ‘ English discovery ’ theory .
8 ‘ We said prayers for his recovery and Tony 's dad has promised to keep in touch to let us know what the latest is .
9 The other is an insider 's , told so as to make us understand what the events mean , in a sense distinct from any meaning found in unearthing the laws of nature .
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