Example sentences of "[verb] us into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Have you booked us into the same hotel , Drew ?
2 Meditation can bring us into the immediate presence of God .
3 May we allow Him to lead us into the unknown , may we draw our courage from Him and may we place our trust in His loving kindness .
4 This leads us into the next stage of whole-healing , namely diet .
5 Cooking to Please takes us into the 1990s . ’
6 This takes us into the nebulous area of psychological assessment , but it is also the case that the supply of information must be of the right type and in the right form to enable human beings to respond and act correctly , especially the air traffic controllers and the flight crew .
7 Again after the middle ten lines there is another break which takes us into the last section of the poem with the words ‘ at last ’ .
8 So , one Member of Parliament 's idea ‘ to have girl muggers whipped ’ would turn back the clock to the 1820s when corporal punishment for women was abolished , whereas another Parliamentary recommendation to ‘ Bring back stocks for hooligans ’ would presumably transport us into the Dark Ages .
9 A return trip to Dartington did n't ensnare us into the esoteric cults that flourish in those parts .
10 Oh he could take us into the two thousand .
11 ‘ In addition to doublle-digit growth for use in bottling , I can see a market for 50-70kta of polyethylene terephthalate in Europe in these new applications by 1990 , ’ says Bruce , ‘ And as a successful outcome of the research we are doing to produce materials of high-temperature resistance [ which would take us into the hot-fill container market ] and materials of improved gas barrier properties could add considerably to that . ’
12 The European Commission have agreed an action programme that will take us into the next century and this is despite the attitude of the present U K government .
13 Once again we may stress that any attempt to describe syntax by assessing the logical possibilities of combination of the " type " meanings which words and other lexical items may have in the dictionary will simply launch us into the wrong enterprise .
14 We have got the right Prime Minister and he must lead us into the next election . ’
15 The Sergeant took us into the small canteen and told us quietly and forcefully that our holiday in Aubagne was over and that we were off to start four months of basic training designed to turn us into legionnaires .
16 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
17 The steward answered Agrippa 's insistent knocking and took us into the main hallway .
18 This discussion has led us into the third and perhaps most important question : since the assumptions will generally be untrue , how robust are the results to minor modifications of the assumptions of the model ?
19 Stoke boss Lou Macari was more subdued as he admitted : ‘ It needed a little spark of magic up front to get us into the next round , but we did n't have that spark tonight . ’
21 With feet of lead he pitches us into the high winds with the wisdom of a professional .
22 Life has changed radically since then and fresh thought is necessary to carry us into the 21st century .
23 Finally , still silent , she turned and led us into the main room .
24 He wanted to bring us into the twenty-first century .
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