Example sentences of "[verb] never [been] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pierce finishes off with a ghostly version of the great Skip James ' ‘ Hardtime Killin' Floor Blues ’ , one last acoustic cry before the tape runs out and proof positive that the blues has never been in better hands .
2 Although rural housing , as we shall see later in this chapter , has never been in plentiful supply , the newcomers provide an easy scapegoat for the otherwise ‘ hidden hand ’ of the housing market .
3 ‘ That last has never been in any doubt .
4 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
5 Mind you , he 'd never been in good health , not since they sent him home from France . ’
6 I 'd never been in this room before .
7 I 've never been in one but I 've read so much about how to do it I 'm sure I could manage it . ’
8 ‘ You know , ’ said he , between great chewings , ‘ I 've never been in one of these places before .
9 In spite of himself Joe was impressed by the earnestness in Chris 's voice and said less forcefully , ‘ I know it 's easy for me to talk , I 've never been in this situation , but what 's going to happen ?
10 I 've never been in any factory in my life , working nights , I have been in many , but I 've never found my fellow men very sociable on the night shift .
11 As investigators from the Mines Inspectorate , British Coal and unions began their inquiries into the accident , the company disclosed that the trapped men had never been in serious danger .
12 According to the assessments of relatives , friends , and neighbours who answered the questions , the quality of life of people who had been in a residential home for a year or more before their death was similar to that of others who died but had never been in such a home .
13 Findings from the present study suggest that once people had become established in the homes their quality of life , in the opinion of their relatives , was similar to that of other people who died and had never been in such homes .
14 But Ximena was seized with such fear as if her heart would have broken ; she and her daughters had never been in such fear since the day that they were born .
15 I thought I had never been in such great danger .
16 I had never been in such a forest and found it fascinating .
17 She had never been in such a place before , and she saw at once that most of the men had girls with them who were certainly not their wives , or the kind of girl one took home to mother .
18 Both brothers had never been in any kind of trouble before .
19 I walked to Coruisk from Sligachan and on to Camusunary and Kilmarie with a young American friend who had never been in this part of Scotland before .
20 That 's never been in any doubt — particularly to him .
21 ‘ I have never been in rural ministry , ’ Daniel said .
22 Unfortunately , with a marginally less successful Cup than League record , Athletico have never been in that position .
23 ‘ They have never been in that position before some of them are classic cases of Thatcher 's children .
24 When Joyce was a teenager Commissioner Charles Duncan came to inspect the corps , and his words in one of the public meetings stuck in her memory : " I have never been in such a well ordered home . "
25 Bradshaw and Miller 's work has shown that a substantial proportion of single mothers have never been in full time employment .
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