Example sentences of "[verb] as [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then there was what we might call the backgrounder , the detective story in which interest lies as much in the setting as in the puzzle .
2 The measure of that lies as much in the minor elements as in the headline-grabbing reforms of taxation and expenditure policy .
3 ( iv ) After the eggs have settled to the bottom of the dish , replace as much of the hyaluronidase solution as possible with warm M2 + BSA , collect the eggs by mouth pipette and wash them free of cumulus cells by repeated passage through further washes of M2 + BSA .
4 They believed implicitly in the effectiveness of their method of preparing and getting the bone , and they were certain that the bone 's power stemmed as much from the special treatment it had during the ceremony as from the actual jailing or drawing substances with which they afterwards impregnated it .
5 When the computer is trying to save a new file to a disc , it looks for the first available fragment of space , writes as much of the new file as will fit , then looks for another available fragment of space , writes a bit more , and so on until all the file is written somewhere on the disc .
6 I shall know as much of the whole story as I 'm ever going to know .
7 Others relate to its receipt of government and local authority funds , which are granted in the expectation that the WEA is providing a public educational service in the liberal studies : that courses will be run not merely for the benefit of existing members but will be widely canvassed and advertised to attract as many of the adult population as wish to take part .
8 But Hong Kong was chilled as much by the implications of Tiananmen as by the spectacle .
9 The recorded history of the country goes back 5000 years to the first known pharaohs ; and though for 2000 years there had been waves of invaders bringing one foreign ruler after another , for most of the peasants ( the fellahin ) life continued much as it had for centuries , regulated as much by the Nile and the miracle of its annual flood , as by successive new masters .
10 As an apologia for New York 's fiscal tangle , though , they say as much about the nomenklatura as about the inevitability of $10 billion budgets .
11 Archaeological analyses say as much about the interpreters as about the extinct cultures .
12 Alain said nothing at all and Jenna had to think fast , keeping as much to the truth as possible .
13 The provision is unlikely to relate as much to the uplands as to lowland areas such as Halvergate Marshes , the Somerset Levels and The Broads .
14 Typically , he drew as much from the personality of each bird as from the relative characteristics of a particular species .
15 ‘ We read all the files and interview as many of the child 's previous carers as we can .
16 And oddly enough erm the lead in many cases has come as much from the primary school as from the university in this respect .
17 Nor , judging by the bravura new stories , do the women writers of the 1990s expect as much from the future as their forebears did : old age is portrayed as painfully grim and burdensome in Candia McWilliam 's twilight home tale ; the classy heroine of Emily Prager 's Moonwalk still weeps over wrecked love and dreams .
18 This rate is likely to increase as many of the countries with moist forests — Brazil , Colombia , Indonesia , Kenya , Madagascar , peninsular Malaysia , Peru , Philippines , Thailand , Uganda , Vietnam and all of West Africa and Central America — have high population growth rates .
19 Although Charles 's own personal inclination was to refound a wide , comprehensive church able to encompass as many of the various denominations of the 1650s as possible , it was soon clear that the king would have to bow to pressure from the bishops , the conservative landowners , and their representatives in the Cavalier Parliament , who wished to see a more narrow restoration .
20 Group welfare officer Sheila Redmond , pictured left , said : ‘ Dr High advised that there was little or no medical evidence contained in the article and that the uniform pressure exerted during examinations is necessary in order to take a clear x-ray which covers as much of the breast as possible . ’
21 They have been attracted as much by the intellectual image as by the high level of celebrity support from artists like John Cleese , Peter Gabriel and Sting .
22 My reporting for the Times-Herald under the avuncular guidance of Fred Workman ran the whole spectrum of events , incidents and activities : I spent days at the annual Wild West Rodeo and Stampede absorbing as much of the cowboy lingo as possible ; I acted as Master of Ceremonies for a fox trot competition sponsored by Cal Temple and Trudie , his business-like wife ; I interviewed all visiting celebrities including MacKenzie King , the Prime Minister , and R.B. Bennett , the Leader of the Opposition in Ottawa ; I interviewed Jimmy Gardiner as Minister of Agriculture , after he gave up his post as Premier of Saskatchewan ; I covered celebrity concerts and the annual Chatauqua programmes , among many other things .
23 This owes as much to the country 's past success as to the ruling party 's new tact .
24 The album contains all the hallmarks of Lindsey 's distinctive electric guitar style , although he 's quick to point out that his playing owes as much to the acoustic as to the electric guitar .
25 This owes as much to the location of the ring , as to the size of the stones : given the view across the countryside , with nearby lower hills , and distant smooth green fields , a full moon over Strichen will have conveyed powerful mystery .
26 This happy situation owes as much to the devaluation of the New Zealand dollar as it does to the general improvement in world commodity price levels .
27 She stared up at the granite-harsh features , trembling as much from the insidious effect of his hands on her back , pressing her against the male strength of his body , as from her growing anger at his arrogant , hurtful lack of confidence in her …
28 John Wheatley had argued as much in the Second Reading of the 1925 Bill , while at the same time criticizing the sum of 10s 0d as inadequate .
29 And then we tumble into ( It 's A ) Dirty Job which despite the cliche title , rocks out passionately , driven like the opener One Man Show as much by the total harmony vocals as the constant runs of guitars .
30 ( That figure , though , depends as much on the future price of oil and the level of the dollar as on the price of credit alone . )
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