Example sentences of "[verb] where [pron] be and " in BNC.

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1 What he then writes almost gives the impression of avoiding the confusion which I diagnosed above : ‘ This is how self-consciousness arises , the capacity to locate oneself within physical and social space … to know where one is and whom one is dealing with and what is expected of one ’ ( 47 ) .
2 The leaping of a dumb brute can hardly even sustain its conviction that there is a safe landing ( although a reader would appreciate the attenuated implications ) but the added weight of its needing ‘ to know where one is and whom one is dealing with and what is expected of one ’ is far too much .
3 It is very natural for you to miss each other , and it is important for you to know where they are and to be able to make contact with them whenever you want to .
4 In Oxfordshire there are eleven sights but many motorists have got to know where they are and reduce their speed accordingly .
5 Always wanting to know where she was and what she was doing .
6 It 's such a bore the way she always wants to know where I am and what I 'm doing . ’
7 I rang my mum and she wanted to know where I was and where Natasha was .
8 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
9 The off-worlders are all required to be there so that the Vadinamians can know where they are and can watch them .
10 Now nobody 's going to come and see me , and Marie 's gone away and Annie do n't know where I am and they wo n't have Christmas with me and we wo n't open prezzies together .
11 The whole program is ‘ menu driven ’ in any one of five languages so you will always know where you are and it will be obvious from the screen where you can go next .
12 and you 're frightened of the school and you do n't know where you are and you do n't , the , the older students and that
13 ‘ We have not been able to account for him and we do n't know where he is and we 're very much interested in talking to him , ’ he said .
14 I mean , you and Edward are n't involved emotionally like we are , and he 's not going to get up your nose in the same way and I 'll know where he is and that he 's all right .
15 And I 'll know where he is and roughly what he 's up to .
16 I would like to trace that film , but I do n't know where it is and where we could now see it .
17 We did n't know where it was and it was only at the end of the exhibition , when everything was being dismantled , that we found the piece hidden away and realised what had happened .
18 So I was looking for , I did n't know where it was and I thought well
19 My mother 's aunts and cousins in Italy do n't know where she is and I would n't tell them if they asked .
20 He would look such a fool if he had to tell someone on the end of the line that he did n't know where she was and had no idea when she was coming back .
21 For a minute she did n't know where she was and , as she realised she was at the farm , fear stayed firmly with her .
22 She did n't know where she was and she longed to be back in the cottage where it was safe .
23 look in early nineteen forty eight where we are , wh where the land reform process had taken the Communist Party tt and then we could begin to look forward to where policy was going to go from there in terms of the military , political , economic , ideological future and what I 'm going to do today to , to begin with anyway is , is to just consider where we are and where it is we 're gon na go and in a sense we could , it might be helpful to , to put ourselves back in a position of being the central committee again .
24 The organisation housed on the corner of Old Broad Street and Throgmorton Street has mercifully reverted to a name which accurately describes where it is and what it does .
25 While people like Klein recalled events thirty years old in crystalline detail , Gentle had difficulty remembering where he was and with whom even ten years before .
26 as if suddenly remembering where he was and why he had come , he resumed .
27 I think maybe that 's right on some occasions , but the thing about this is that very much depends where we are and what situation we 're in and we may actually choose to use one of the other types of behaviour .
28 It depends where I am and what I 'm doing .
29 Yeah the clock , the clock 's there I always get groups that say where 's the clock cos they ca n't sort of see where it is and I 'm sort of saying it 's the angle tell the time .
30 Boeing had done their best to keep tabs on which aircraft had been sold to whom but some were no longer in service or had been damaged and discarded while one or two had even lost their identity , so that it was difficult to trace where they were and under whose jurisdiction they fell .
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