Example sentences of "[verb] back on a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What I do n't like is that we went back did n't we , I do n't know if you saw my thing to David where we report back on a fax , report every month
2 He opened up a 24.8 seconds advantage over Jackson at the half distance refuelling halt and never looked back on a course which measured just over 190 miles in length .
3 We could just fall back on a bit of sweets and chocolate or something in the end but I 'd like to get some
4 It always seems odd , looking back on a turning-point in life , that bells did not ring and warning hooters go .
5 How many people now remember his humiliation as chancellor of the Exchequer , turning back on a trip to Heathrow en route for a meeting of the International Monetary Fund in order that he could draft an application for a loan from the same organisation , then appearing in the Blackpool bear garden to be publicly abused ?
6 Together , we can look back on a year of consider- able success , and forward to a new year of challenge .
7 The British landed gentry can look back on a past filled with special glories due to the responsibilities of their rank .
8 Many people look back on a moment of conversion — though it is not essential to be able to point to such a moment — with awe and wonder .
9 The card was borne back on a silver tray .
10 Higher shutter speeds , variable up to unc of a second or beyond , are now available on camcorders to give better definition of fast action when played back on a VCR with matching replay facilities .
11 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
12 THE Tories have fallen back on a quack cure for the economic ills they are forcing upon our country — even higher prescription charges .
13 It works with standard audio input devices like microphones , disks and cassette tapes , and plays back on a variety of devices .
14 Hence the study had to fall back on a proxy for measures of ill health — standardised mortality ratios ( SMRs ) or death rates from different diseases standardised by age .
15 Rosa adjusted the cold compress on her forehead , and settled back on a chair against the wall , watching Cati as she lay .
16 It was a long , long time since he 'd gone off to America and now , at last , he was coming back on a month 's holiday .
17 Do you go back on a Tuesday do you ?
18 Alexei bit back on a retort .
19 OR when a gate has swung back on a horse rapping its knees or trapping its foot .
20 Now in his eightieth year , Thesiger looked back on a life travelling in the Sudan , Arabia , Afghanistan , Morocco , East Africa and ‘ Eth …
21 Forced back on a policy of self help , the RCM soon discovered that the public responded best when appeals were made of behalf of specific projects — £40 to support one boy in a course of agricultural training , say , or £60 for a year 's schooling .
22 Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February .
23 to be with my friends although they let me sit with me friends so they 're good really so I 'm hoping that I should be able to get back on a Wednesday because er , that 's the only day really I can go , I go to Barn Mead on a Thursday as a rule you see , but yesterday I had to have a day off to go out , I had an invite out
24 Jakki had just returned from an idyllic holiday in America ( more of which in a moment ) when she was told to get back on a plane because the Material girl had finally agreed to give an interview on Radio One .
25 He responded by falling back on a reformist , electoral strategy .
26 He merely gave her shoulder an affectionate nudge and leaned back on a cushion .
27 And come back on a Sunday
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