Example sentences of "[verb] back [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm , she actually traced back calls on the station log and it was done from the first of October nineteen ninety two to the thirtieth of September nineteen ninety three and during that time we had over five thousand three hundred and thirty calls , of which one thousand one hundred and sixty six originated from , so that is erm twenty point three percent of the calls received at police station and were held on came from , which is quite a lot .
2 Checking back replies with the parents can confirm these family views and allow the parents to talk further and explain what it means .
3 And they put back nutrients into the soil , too , both directly and by the decomposition of their dead remains through the agency of creatures such as worms , bacteria , fungi , moulds and so on .
4 Barbara Coleman would detest the solitude , the place would bring back memories of the good times and she would be confronted more than ever with the evidence that the good times had gone .
5 And he would bring back goods from the market , such as meal , and sell or exchange that for what the Dalesfolk had brought .
6 This extends beyond a tendency to influence policy delivery by the characteristic ‘ insubordinate ’ responses of evasion , delay , and so on , into a desire to feed back views into the policy-making process .
7 Out of an initial tax revenue of 442 billion dinars in 1985 , the republics and provinces transferred 251 billion dinars to the federal government , but received back grants to the value of 60 billion dinars .
8 This last fact sent Shoreditch hurrying to the British Library to scour back numbers of The Salopian in search of clues to ‘ C ’ 's character .
9 If the government buys back bonds from the Bank of England , the money is not released : it remains retired .
10 She supported the Russian revolution , and travelled twice to the famine regions in Russia ( 1922–3 ) , sending back articles to the Manchester Guardian .
11 They began to look for more drink and the Junior showed his initiative by going up to the off-licence with the Porter and bringing back armfuls of the stuff .
12 Darwin himself contributed to this trend by bringing back fossils from the voyage of the Beagle showing that the past inhabitants of South America were closely related to the modern ones .
13 The Tomahawk can not change course , choose alternative targets , fight off opposition or bring back pictures of the damage done .
14 Those pictures also brought back memories of the Nazi death camps .
15 However , the attack has brought back memories of the last battle between rival operators .
16 However , the attack has brought back memories of the last battle between rival operators .
17 Perhaps it is sufficient to say that prior to cutting back parts of the Forêt de la Montagne , the slopes of Verzy were not dissimilar topographically to those of the Côte des Blancs .
18 The diesel never feels slovenly and can be hurried along snaking back roads with the sort of haste which soon makes you forget that derv , not four-star ( or unleaded ) , goes into its fuel tank .
19 Long ones , short ones , stubby ones , in all the colours of the rainbow and some of them displaying names that went back generations in the East End .
20 In a recent defence of investment in education , Stonier brought back memories of the early 1960s .
21 One by one some of Europe 's more unfancied golfers began to eat into the U.S. lead , courtesy of some dreadful American blunders on the final hole which brought back memories of the match at Muirfield Village two years before .
22 It brought back memories of the time , more than seventy years ago , that they 'd fought for their country .
23 The barricades at the front had to be removed to stop everyone getting crushed and it brought back memories of the heady days of punk .
24 Mrs Bennet had been into town and brought back details of the damage .
25 The Southern Region 's small domestic fleet of diesel-electric units was trimmed back thanks to the completion of the Tonbridge-Hastings and East Grinstead electrification .
26 But the eccentric goalkeeper , famous for his willingness to race out of his area , has been helped by the new law banning back passes to the goalkeeper .
27 Until a tax avoidance clause is incorporated into law which would require corporate officials to establish the legality of any avoidance scheme , there will always be a wide-open prairie of opportunity for gouging back profits from the exchequer , leaving ordinary tax-payers to ‘ foot the bill ’ .
28 Stoke and Coventry have attempted to bring back families into the game with a ‘ Lads and Dads ’ programme .
29 He was also involved in the briefing of a Commando landing on a Normandy beach which was sent to bring back cores of the beach material .
30 For many older people this brings back memories of the means test in the thirties , when the visiting officer would tell you to sell the piano before you could receive any payments .
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