Example sentences of "[verb] back [prep] the house " in BNC.

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1 This is always agreed to and the Bill is then reported back to the House .
2 ‘ I thought they 'd gone off my land and started driving back to the house but then suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back .
3 Driving back to the house through the small back-roads was more difficult than she 'd anticipated , and she took a couple of wrong turnings .
4 how had Patrick managed to creep back into the house ?
5 The maid would have to be dismissed of course … the girl had brazenly admitted allowing Patrick back into the house , and Katherine was n't sure which annoyed her more — the fact that the boy had managed to creep back into the house or the fact that he had been alone in the girl 's bedroom .
6 You would n't catch me walking back to the house alone at night .
7 One day , I was walking back to the house , and had my camera with me .
8 There were several messages for her when she arrived back at the hotel , and she worked at her desk until six before walking back to the house through the gathering dusk .
9 Using the same forthrightness as her brother , she took Hilary 's arm in a firm grip and began walking back to the house .
10 He was just walking back to the house when the patrol car came storming up the drive , etching his shadow on the wall .
11 He staggered back inside the house .
12 ‘ You 'd better come back in the house and dry your shoes and socks , ’ said Betty .
13 Alexei turned and shouted back into the house .
14 She was one of two women invited back to the house after meeting Smith , Edward Kennedy and Kennedy 's son , Patrick , in a local bar .
15 Once he actually fainted in the mud and had to be carried back to the house and revived with cold water .
16 They formed their line again and started searching for Esmerelda while I was carried back to the house .
17 I 've had enough of the lights , so we turn round and head back to the house .
18 Then I found her outside the kitchen door , crying , she 'd lost her shoes what with one thing and another and she was too ashamed to come back into the house .
19 You do n't want to come back into the house after somebody has been there .
20 Jim had stomped downstairs wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief and later it had been Jo and Lisa who had packed his bags and told him never to come back to the house .
21 The queasiness which had first compelled him to come back to the house that evening clawed him again , and kept him in the chair under her fond glances and bids to intimacy .
22 She asked Monica to stay where she was , sneaked back into the house as though she were guilty of something , came out again with the letter she had written to her mother .
23 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
24 He turned and stood looking back at the house .
25 Viewing a property for sale many years ago , I remember standing in the garden , close to the rear fence , looking back at the house .
26 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
27 The idea of going out in the garden to sit looking back towards the house was popular , as was the line of the path , laid in stock bricks in a colour best described as crushed strawberry .
28 At the bottom of the slope , on the terrace above the ornamental lake , a woman was walking , looking back towards the house .
29 Ten minutes later , One-Arm arrives back at the house .
30 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
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