Example sentences of "[verb] down [prep] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She pictured the man stamping down through his pub , irate and duty-bound .
2 Gazing down at his wife as she glared up at him , tossing back her blonde hair in an imperious gesture , Ross was suddenly reminded of a proud , possessive lioness guarding her cubs .
3 Gazing down from his plinth in Lichfield , you could almost hear Dr Johnson muttering : ‘ Socialism , Sir , is a cow , which will yield such people no more milk — and so they are gone to milk the bull ’ .
4 He kept writing while holding a job as store 's manager at Ampleforth and still finds time to sit down at his word processor .
5 After a long pause , Roman turned away from her , and went to sit down behind his desk .
6 The offworlder Suragai got down off his animal to help her mount , and she thanked him prettily .
7 Roxborough finished his drink and got down from his stool , then collected Pascoe 's beer mug and prepared to dive into the crush at the bar .
8 ‘ Then one evening this down-to-earth painter from Harrow got down from his ladder to talk to someone at the end of the passage .
9 Then he got down from his chair and went to stand by Hepzibah .
10 John sits down with his trophy .
11 He sits down at his desk and opens his diary .
12 He is a most inspiring chap , obviously one of the Montgomery school , but toned down by his service with the Guards . ’
13 She nodded and sipped : he leaned his head forward and she brought the glass to his mouth : he finished it and she let it fall on a bush of discarded clothing as he swooped down with his hand , lifted her dress clear over her waist and then , as she struggled to help him , tugged it over her head .
14 Always insisting on the purity of life , on the importance of family existence , he had gone far beyond the mild precepts laid down by his mentor .
15 He also sought to promote the local iron industry , and to continue the development of Whitehaven as a planned town along lines laid down by his father in the 1680s .
16 He watched , open-mouthed , as Donald beamed down at his Chicken Thallium .
17 A lock of dark hair had fallen down over his forehead and she was swept by a sudden yearning to put up her hand , feel the silken texture of it with her fingers .
18 I went and got the pressure-cooker to brain him with and was just about to bring it crashing down on his bonce when I heard Mike calling from the next room .
19 He goes down to his estate and does n't stay there a moment , we call in at Luxor and he does n't want to go ashore .
20 One day , when the lord was stepping down from his carriage , which he drove himself , he was shot dead outside his gate .
21 It 's something that Niki plays down in his book , but I know from others who were in touch with him at the time , that the mental effort and courage required were tremendous .
22 Clad in a heavy military-style trench coat , turned up at the collar , he had a waterproof hat rammed down over his forehead .
23 Mr Brown gazed down at his plate and nodded .
24 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
25 You know Franco has a little tap hanging down under his tummy ?
26 Carson saw him slow and stop , the gun hanging down by his side , a dark silhouette with a white featureless blob of a face .
27 Rivera departed and Schellenberg phoned down for his car , pulled on his overcoat and went out .
28 He strips down to his T-shirt and striped boxer shorts .
29 Robbie sank down on his bunk , feeling an absurd desire to burst into tears .
30 Bob lit the gas-fire and sank down on his bed without even taking his overcoat off .
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