Example sentences of "[verb] down into [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The problem of air resistance could be broken down into shape and surface effects .
2 Within the agreed timetable the task must be broken down into elements or stages which are themselves ‘ milestones ’ .
3 However it was broken down into sub-categories and these revealed non-completion rates of around 25% for those entering with ONC/OND or with no qualifications compared with a 15% non-completion rate for those with ‘ standard ’ qualifications .
4 An important part of the treatment of candidiasis is to avoid sugary foods , and other refined carbohydrates ( white flour , white bread etc ) which can quickly be broken down into sugar once they reach the gut .
5 Nitrogen cycle — The process in which ammonia is broken down into nitrites and thence to nitrates by aerobic bacteria .
6 Course are being broken down into modules and a variety of new teaching and learning styles have to be employed .
7 Then he went over to the window , and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court for several minutes , frowning and pushing his lower lip up alternately .
8 He went over to the window and gazed down into Hand and Ball Court .
9 If we establish a hierarchy of psychological normality , those characters who predominantly speak verse can fall down into prose when they lose their reason : Ophelia , Othello , Lear , Lady Macbeth .
10 If the team becomes too large then in practice it could well break down into sub-teams and not be as effective as intended .
11 It was constructed in such a way that the information will not break down into stylization or gesture nor found to be synthetic — or false .
12 She stood by the window for some minutes , looking down into Hand and Ball Court , where an old tramp was feeling his way round the walls and trying not to catch people 's eyes .
13 These difficulties were forgotten as we cycled down into town and in hot dry afternoon air , shouting ‘ I thought that this was what the weather was supposed to be like ! ’
14 Other waste products , such as faeces and urine also break down into ammonia and these levels will build up to where they are harmful to the fish , unless you take steps to lower them via a biological filter .
15 This beautiful high road , which passes over two superb cols before eventually going down into Arrens and the Val d'Azun , is one of the most exalting in the Pyrenees .
16 From here you can look down into Oxendale and across to Crinkle Crags and Bowfell , which leads the eye around the head of Langdale .
17 The last few miles to Ealing were covered in a jerking crawl which took more than an hour , and daylight was breaking down into darkness as Alison gave directions through the maze of streets and parked cars away from the main shopping area .
18 And falling before temptation it 's easy to let yourself slide down into things that can be very hurtful .
19 The exiles from Ecuador — more accustomed to jungle and soggy heat — had gasped unashamedly as we rounded the bend above the cliffs , and they remained quite mute , awestruck , as we circled down into town and parked outside the Hotel Eberhardt for a dish of the king crab , centolla , and a mug of beer .
20 Nothing moved , but the world tilted , and she looked down into eyes that registered he had felt it too .
21 A long plateau in which the never-ending surrealism of pain muted down into boredom and there was Jo laughing bravely , veiling her fear and doing great lines from Gone with the Wind in a deplorably bad imitation of a southern black accent .
22 It is near this point that the Pennine Way crosses Swaledale from Tan Hill over the bleak mass of Stonesdale Moor , falling down into Keld and on by Thwaite to Shunner Fell .
23 We would hope that by doing this we 'd actually mobilize the whole country to get down into London and to protest at the House of Commons against the closures in the Health Service .
24 Round the corner from the old jail , the Royal Hotel boasted a well inside the bar , the top covered by glass and the stone walls curving down into darkness and revealing a tiny gleam of water .
25 Loose pebbles slithered , bounced , rattled down into darkness and silence .
26 The road dipping down into town and the bar with its brown tin roof and its dusty verandah , and a woman running out into the street , hair horizontal in the air behind her , strings of wooden beads swinging in a loop around her neck like a cow 's jaw chewing , her mouth wide open , a wedge hewn out of her face , as if someone had taken an axe to her , as if her mouth was a wound and her screaming the bleeding .
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