Example sentences of "[verb] on to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I know , yes but I mean it 's interesting at lunch time I had a , I had a working lunch with someone and a month after we had finished all the work and stuff , we got on to a whole pile of other things and , and I was talking about some of the -ists and one of the -ists I was talking about was feminism and how I 'd been in an amazing meeting a few weeks ago where you know I used that word and the women , it was all a meeting with women , the women there had absolutely freaked at the use of the word feminism and feminists .
2 ‘ Once I got on to a main road I would n't have any trouble getting a lift . ’
3 It simply fits on to a standard 43mm diameter drill chuck and uses a 12mm diameter tungsten-carbide tipped cutter to channel into breeze-block , brick , plaster and other wall surfaces .
4 It simply fits on to a standard 43mm diameter drill chuck , and uses a 12mm diameter tungsten-carbide tipped cutter to channel into breeze-block , brick , plaster and other wall surfaces .
5 RIGHT The check chain fits on to an ordinary leash , by a circle as shown here .
6 I must have fallen on to a sharp stick , I thought .
7 Striker John Borthwick wasted his side 's best opportunity of the half , latching on to a loose ball on the edge of the Stoke penalty area and making space for himself , only to fire lamely at keeper Ronnie Sinclair .
8 But while County are tipped to go up this time , Francis could be stepping on to a bigger stage before next spring .
9 His first one-man show was at The Artists Gallery 1941 and he showed with Peggy Guggenheim 's Art of this Century in 1944 which led on to a one man-show at the Guggenheim in 1947 .
10 It was painted while and there was an untidy hedge in front of it , divided by a rickety gate which led on to a short path to the front door .
11 A beautifully open and controlled solo from Andrew Coy ( clarinet ) led on to an expansive string sound and a rollicking dance .
12 Others were painted on to a dry plaster surface .
13 Circles , straight lines and zig-zags can be chalked or painted on to a hard surface for children to walk , run , jump or skip along .
14 A sheet of cloth has been placed on to a stripped bed , the winding-sheet has been folded over the left-hand side of the corpse , the remainder drawn over the right , whilst the arms have been folded across the body in line with the bottom of the rib-cage .
15 He passed on to an empty table .
16 Prean , still unbeaten , showed that he is performing as well as at any time in his career when he outplayed Andrei up to 20-17 in the second game and then comfortably recovered from the disappointment of missing four match points to go on to a 21-8 , 22-24 , 21-13 win .
17 She is full of admiration for the care and attention she is receiving at the hospital but is already looking ahead to the time when she is strong enough to go on to a convalescent home .
18 As might be expected from data reported earlier , positive attitudes as measured by all five factors were significantly associated with willingness to go on to a second round of review and reporting .
19 So you actually had to go on to a smaller boat ?
20 My father wanted me to go on to a Public School and I received special lessons in Latin Verse and in Greek ..
21 It was like hanging on to a wriggly eel .
22 For high earners , the £75,000 cap is probably the strongest argument for hanging on to an existing Section 226 policy , since such policies are not affected by the earnings limit .
23 Some 4,000 media workers covering the conference were based in an exhibition hall 2 km away , where the proceedings were relayed on to a giant screen .
24 The DT 2600 E has about as many features as can be squeezed on to a hot air gun .
25 Lindsey was n't entirely sure she 'd agree as they moved on to a gleaming operating theatre .
26 Hendrie moved on to a perfect Payton pass , went round goalkeeper Keith Welsh with ease , and shot into the empty net .
27 Hendrie moved on to a perfect Payton pass , went round goalkeeper Keith Welsh with ease , and shot into the empty net .
28 A minute later Payton moved on to a sloppy Jobling pass and shot into the side netting as fans jumped to their feet in anticipation of a goal .
29 The man who entered a monastery did so , in principle , for life ; there were of course apostates ; there were also a number who moved on to a stricter way of life ; and a few who were promoted to abbeys elsewhere , or to bishoprics , or even to the papacy .
30 ‘ It was important that I moved on to a bigger stage , with a club in the top bracket of the English First Division , or Celtic and Rangers . ’
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