Example sentences of "[verb] because it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The criterion-referencing of assessments is not an essential feature of graded tests , but it is an approach which has been strongly recommended because it is intended to make clearer the targets which pupils need to aim for and to provide information on achievements for parents , teachers and employers .
2 The Government initiated proceedings against Mr Marsh in September last year , but after a lengthy delay while he unsuccessfully tried to obtain legal aid , the case was dropped because it was judged to be ‘ no longer in the public interest ’ .
3 The ring glows because it was heated to more than 20 000 °C by radiation produced by the supernova blast .
4 Controversial figures in public life , such as Winston Churchill , Richard Nixon , Indira Gandhi , Martin Luther King , T. S. Eliot and many others , will probably attract biographers for years to come because it is felt that there are still new things to be said about them , new perspectives from which their work can be seen , and new interpretations of politics or the arts in which their contributions should be judged .
5 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
6 The importance of the Cycladic islands had been exaggerated because it was alleged that there were Cycladic influences in the Balkans and in Italy and indeed Sicily , and in Iberia .
7 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
8 Waterloo Bridge , so named because it was built in the year of the battle ( 1815 ) , is one of the oldest of the iron bridges of considerable size .
9 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
10 This was because these changes required the approval of Congress , which was not granted because it was controlled by opposition parties .
11 ‘ Would this request from London have anything to do with the package and report I sent them , which never arrived because it was intercepted right here in this office ? ’
12 The double-flowered form is the one generally cultivated because it is preferred for medical use , and is grown from division of runners , taken and planted in early spring ; seedlings produce a large number of single-flowered forms .
13 Primarily what makes this type of work unpopular is the ever-present danger that work of this sort will break the veneer of coldness , exposing them as emotionally involved , which is something they dislike because it is considered unprofessional .
14 In those days , there existed no bridges across the River Thames above the old London Bridge and the ferry at Chiswick was much favoured because it was found that the Eyot broke the stream during up-tide .
15 In some cases setting was criticized because it was argued that it was producing underachievement in certain pupils , although many teachers did not accept this .
16 ( 3 ) A change in the processes of teaching and learning is justified because it is believed to enable the more effective transmission and reception of the content of the curriculum ; i.e. we change process as instrumental in acquiring knowledge of content .
17 The DPP will face one of 4 choices , not to proceed because of lack of evidence , not to proceed because it 's deemed not to be in the public interest , to issue a caution , or to sanction a prosecution .
18 A problem arose because it was believed that Macmillan had secured terms of reference which would entitle the Tribunal to investigate not merely Vassall , but also rumours relating to Vassall that were circulating at the time , rumours about many discreditable matters but mainly his sexual activities .
19 In 1900 a dispute arose because it was said that the Taff Vale Railway Company had victimized a trade unionist who led a wage demand .
20 Presiding magistrate Doris Eccles said bail was being refused because it was feared the defendants would interfere with witnesses .
21 ‘ Purposive sampling ’ occurs when a researcher chooses a particular group or place to study because it is known to be of the type that is wanted .
22 We 've been told that it has n't been trialed because it was produced in a hurry .
23 Nicols , Winch and Hobart held that the action was well laid because it was alleged that there was a request before the endeavour was made and where there is such a precedent request , a subsequent assumpsit after the execution of the consideration is binding .
24 ‘ He says the whole army is unsettled because it 's known that Famagusta will never give up while it expects a relieving ship to arrive .
25 Among the numerous artifacts uncovered was a miraculously preserved carpet dating from the 5th century BC , which survived because it was frozen in a block of ice after early grave robbers had broken the seal and allowed water into the tomb .
26 The numbers attending remained very small for a number of years — three children were once expelled because it was found they could hear .
27 With an odd feeling that he was asking because it was expected of him rather than out of genuine interest , she replied somewhat stiltedly , ‘ Once I 've a clear picture of the items to be displayed , and which room they 're to go in , I can begin the first rough draft for the catalogue . ’
28 In respect of motion one five eight , the C E C is opposed because it is based upon a misunderstanding of the purposes of sectionalization .
29 At the moment of firing he closed his eyes tight , but he never heard the crack of the Winchester discharging because it was drowned in the roar of Jacques Devraux 's Mauser .
30 The law on the issue of consent continues to change because it is based on public policy .
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