Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun pl] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them became my friends and have remained so until the present day , but the sheer earthy mass of them made me realize how my few months of married life had changed me .
2 I got back to work , by which I mean that I got my papers and notes out , and then sat looking at them for what seemed like a dreary lifetime , and was really probably only twenty minutes .
3 The road twisted and turned , I got my bearings and realised it was north , probably in Petrolia itself .
4 I gritted my teeth and hung on for the climb up to Ana 's Cross on the peak of Spaunton Moor .
5 I gritted my teeth and picked the warm remnant up , took it back to the Grounds and flung it into them from the top of the bank .
6 I gritted my teeth and decided it was n't such a one-sided deal after all .
7 I gritted my teeth and nodded , refusing to be drawn .
8 I would not like to contribute to that , although I suppose that Mr Smith 's vicious tax might just persuade me to brace my shoulders and cry ‘ traps away ’ .
9 So much so that I deliberately avoided anything outside it which might affect my emotions or disturb my thoughts .
10 At first , I used to grind my teeth and think , oh God , we 've got to move on from Emerson .
11 ‘ Now , ’ he said , ‘ I am going to wash , shave , change my clothes and eat honest food , then it 's back to Woodstock , Ranulf , mounted and armed .
12 No-one 's too old to learn , and it 's a good excuse to see my friends and exchange a bit of gossip . ’
13 Then a stitch stabbed my ribs and forced me to walk the next few yards .
14 sometimes he 'll be in on a Monday and he 'll say they 've broken my ribs and broken my nose !
15 At which point , possums , I made my excuses and left
16 I made my preparations and joined him as quickly as I could .
17 Scarcely daring to breathe , I lined up my telephoto lens , pressed against a tree to steady my hands and shot off several frames .
18 While I sulked in the tent , nursing my wounds and recovering from the thorough sandbagging , Mick was hatching a plan .
19 I wiped my lips and got up quickly .
20 I wiped my eyes and felt a bit better , knowing that Granny was taking my message with her to heaven .
21 I dropped the axe , wiped my temples and joined her where she held the incandescent bung away from her skin .
22 ‘ Basically they are simple — you obey my wishes and prevent me being too overworked — ’
23 But to see her like that would hurt my feelings and hurt our Izzat ( pride ) . ’
24 I 've just been told that I will receive a grant from the Education and Library Board , which will be used to support my children and pay part of the course costs , ’ explained Nikki .
25 I sit and eat my meals and read a book and he watches me .
26 I remembered my astonishment when the first doctor I saw at the Centre read my notes and wrote down a mixture of Centaury , Gorse , Star of Bethlehem and Beech .
27 It would not be so bad if I could just stand up , read my poems and leave , but that was apparently unthinkable .
28 I gave them false names , they checked my fingerprints and found out who I was .
29 I got out to the end of the runway first , applied my brakes and did my run-up and magneto checks , whilst waiting impatiently for the oil temperature to rise to the required degree .
30 Yet now , ’ his look was amicable , ‘ you , Miss Kingsdale , with your haughty manner ’ her haughty manner ? ‘ wish me to at once revoke my plans and allow you to ask me endless work-orientated questions . ’
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