Example sentences of "[verb] him for [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The pope acknowledges Oswiu 's conversion to orthodoxy and the Roman Easter , thanks him for the gifts he has sent but grieves that the bearer of these gifts had died in Rome , and regrets that he has not been able at the time of writing to find someone suitable to send as Wigheard 's replacement .
2 In a negligence suit brought against him Mr Hill wanted to sue his employer to indemnify him for the damages he had to pay out to Mr Gregory .
3 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
4 Strong , colourful midfield player or striker , Andy Gray had been with the Palace as a schoolboy during the Terry Venables era at Selhurst Park , but disappeared into non-league soccer so that it was actually from Dulwich Hamlet that Manager Steve Coppell initially signed him for The Eagles in November 1984 .
5 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
6 ‘ I could have forgiven him for the debts he piled up , but the lies , having another woman — I can never forgive that , ’ Jean says .
7 She initially mistook him for a police officer as he was wearing a police-style anorak , white shirt and black tie .
8 ‘ But if he is n't going to bother , I do n't think it 's fair to the other players to keep choosing him for the reserves .
9 So people do n't blame him for the consequences of Versailles ?
10 Like Andre Gide , who when young expected people to admire him for the books he would write in the future , Charlie came to love being appreciated in several high streets for his potential .
11 As we draw near to him in our distress , we learn to ask him for the things we need .
12 Khrushchev could never forgive him for the cruelties and stupidities that brought Russia so close to defeat by Hitler .
13 Thus the education of a king 's son was supposed to include learning to sleep in a hard or badly made bed to prepare him for the rigours of a life of non-stop , and sometimes unexpected , movement .
14 She might despise him for the methods he used in business , but the fact remained that she loved him , and if there was anything she could do to protect him she would do it .
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