Example sentences of "[verb] him and [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Never before had he been subjected to such a plethora of opinions — often form people with whom he had no real relationship , many of whom , bore him and his family substantial grudges .
2 When Graham Smith contracted cancer , she invited him and his wife on holiday to Necker in the Caribbean and also on a Mediterranean cruise on board the yacht owned by Greek tycoon , John Latsis .
3 As a result , Mary Neal sought Kimber out , and invited him and his cousin ‘ Dobbin' Kimber , to London to demonstrate the dances to the girls .
4 Thesiger invited him and his travelling companion to spend the night with his caravan .
5 It was a memory he had n't known he had , and even now he knew very little about it beyond the fact that it involved him and his father and a railway tunnel .
6 Forty two-year-old Diane was a medical writer who became obsessed with Dr Murray Brennan and pursued him and his wife in a relentless eight year campaign .
7 As we have seen , the Pauline Church of Rome found Jesus 's brother James something of an embarrassment , and went out of its way , whenever possible , to circumvent him and his role .
8 The changes , thought to have taken place in July when ANC president Nelson Mandela was on an overseas tour , apparently excluded him and his deputy , Walter Sisulu , from official policy-making bodies .
9 A taxi had dropped him and his luggage at the main railway station , he had walked in through the entrance with a porter in attendance ; and that was that .
10 Isabelle nudges him and his head falls forward over the coffee table , tips of his hair brushing against the largest lump of heroin .
11 Because Mr Major is indeed an exceptionally nice man , as well as a very able one , few even among his political foes could grudge him and his wife Norma heartfelt congratulations on a great personal victory .
12 Since that time I have come to know him and his wife and I can vouch that together they will be first class first citizens of and the office of the Lord Mayorality will continue to be respected and dignified and enhanced by their terms of office .
13 An anonymous letter sent to one Local Group Leader of the NSDAP , castigating him and his District Leader , threatened that ‘ if our Führer lets such scoundrels rule , it will soon all be over with Heil Hitler ’ .
14 Level 10 has the awesome super guard , kill him and your home and dry , if only you could kill him !
15 Level 10 has the awesome super guard , kill him and your home and dry , if only you could kill him !
16 After nine prominent law firms had each recommended Aviv highly , Shaughnessy hired him and his company , Interfor , Inc. to develop those leads , and Aviv took off for Europe .
17 He sent me a number of his books , all suitably inscribed in his very Chinese style , and I stopped off to visit him and his wife at Brighton , south of Boston , in 1951 .
18 As the war drew near , and gas masks were issued , an official came to my Grandad 's house to fit him and his housekeeper with the right sized masks .
19 The collapse of robert Maxwell 's business empire left him with no income for 5 months , forcing him and his family into crisis .
20 No matter how fiercely they attack him and his government — one deputy called for his impeachment yesterday — the conservatives have failed to mobilise their forces effectively .
21 He was equally generous to Cuthbert , pressing him to accept the bishopric of Lindisfarne in 685 and granting him and his church land in Cartmel and Carlisle in the north-west and in Crayke in the vale of York .
22 When the knight got to be too old for fighting , about 30 ( ! ) , and became arthritic and slow , his squire would have learned all the skills of chivalry and daring , and would defend him and his family into their old age .
23 Although Dolben was probably not interested sentimentally in Hopkins , he admired him and his poetry , and the two young men deeply influenced each other in both their verse and their intentions of becoming Roman Catholic converts , an ambition Dolben had not fulfilled at his death .
24 It was also good to share in his enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and to see his obvious joy that the Lord should use him and his family in such a way .
25 I regret to inform him that , as things stand , he gives the impression that he intends to cling , right reason or none , to his position of power over a people who have consistently told him and his party that they want no part of it .
26 An armed gang of fans of Umtata Bucks surrounded Da Silva 's house in Umtata , ordered him and his family to pack their bags , drove them to the local airport , gave them tickets and cash and forced them aboard a Johannesburg-bound flight .
27 Damn him and his air of condescension !
28 There was a lot of interest in Harold Burns ' activities at the time and many of the older people remember him and his Flea .
29 David was the oldest competitor and said his win surprised him and his wife Denise , who was there to share his big moment .
30 I thanked him and his shadow , and hurried back to the car .
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