Example sentences of "[verb] him and [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 A search involving four lifeboats , an RAF and a police helicopter failed to find him and has been called off , police said .
2 Many of his acquisitions had eventually bored him and had been disposed of by auction , but the most accomplished and entertaining individuals were rewarded , once they became too old or unattractive to perform their requisite duties , by unconditional liberation from the household and a generous pension .
3 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
4 Figures , facts , tonnage , storage , shipping , selling , commerce which connected continents , all the romance and daring of his trade , deeply besotted him and had been his lifelong pleasure .
5 Failing to win his love , Ayesha had killed him and had been condemned by Aphrodite to an eternal existence of longing and jealousy .
6 He was n't going for a joy trip , he was n't going out in the boat just to se to while away an hour or so to relax and to unwind , he was n't going there to , just to get away from the crowd of people that had been following him and had been listening to him , he had a purpose in going in into the boat , to go to the other side .
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