Example sentences of "[verb] him have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They invited him to have a go .
2 Out of the kindness of his heart he had let him have a job in his shoe repair shop .
3 However , Ronnie Koeman was in the Holland team as captain in spite of Johan Cruyff , his manager at Barcelona , ordering him to have a week 's rest .
4 Ah let him have a go !
5 As he tried to grab me , I feinted , slipped back to make him follow me , knowing he would think I was afraid , and then I let him have a classic straight left that hit him on the point of the jaw .
6 I found one of the drummers and let him have a tape and he loved it .
7 In the end I had to get it down and let him have a sniff before he .
8 And I can buy back Robert 's 25 per cent of this place — you know I do n't like him having a foot in the door here . ’
9 I 'm not out to if they 're going to claim on this diesel then that 's up to them but I 'm not going to have our lads or anybody else blamed for something which definitely does not exist and I shall tell as soon as I erm I meet him to have a chat with him again that he 's going along the wrong lines .
10 ( If there is a problem and the cogs still will not spin , then take them to your dealer/mechanic and get him to have a look for you . )
11 Well all you really could do was say , well you 'll have to ask your doctor and get him to have a talk with your husband .
12 Whoever killed him had a bucket of blood to wipe away . ’
13 Er you want to let him have a look
14 Pat had come to him and asked to be able to buy the shop — not with any money she had available at that time , but on a never-never basis , letting him have a share in the takings until the value of the business had been reached .
15 The moment she saw Mungo , Mary Ann fussed and tut-tutted and made him have a bath .
16 S but what they say is part of his managerial status demanded him having a company car to which I was given one as well but in effect that then became his wife 's because he was still banned for drink driving .
17 Always ask him to have a go first , so that children come to you with a word already written .
18 That it seems pointless not to remain friends after so long , and ask him to have a meal with you .
19 He was also very curious and begged Ted to allow him to have a look round .
20 Well I 'll let him have a look later today .
21 But she 'd let him have a slice of the cake she 'd brought in if he gave her and her friend fruit or ice cream — whatever he 'd bought .
22 If he is the sort of man who wears a red rose in his buttonhole every day , loyalty will drive him to have a bet on Mr Kinnock , regardless of his chances .
23 Well it holding it in pawn , waiting for somebody to ask him to have a drink , and invariably somebody would but if they did ask him they 'd always ask him back next time you know if they could n't do it this time .
24 After this ordeal Tom left him to have a soak and slowly Willie began to unwind .
25 The military leader , Colonel Acheampong , wanted him to have a state funeral .
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