Example sentences of "[verb] him [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 AN OFF-DUTY police inspector saw the alleged killer of Marie Wilks but dismissed him as a good Samaritan , the M50 murder trial was told yesterday .
2 I rated him as the best British droll comedian we had .
3 Further questions on unemployment ‘ people do n't want training they want jobs ’ , homelessness and the NHS left Mr Major a little wobbly but provided him with the best and closing line of the night .
4 Nevertheless , after his defeat , Mr Major , whose strengths as a Prime Minister would not best qualify him as a good leader of the opposition , would do the decent thing and step down , like Sir Alec Douglas-Home in 1965 , agreeing to serve under whomever the party chose to succeed him .
5 Fraulein Winkelmann told him for the Good God 's sake to get the papers fast , and Bruno went away and came back and pointed the Luger yet again .
6 Mills Roberts was a stickler for discipline but everyone recognised him as a good soldier and therefore , for all his shouting , he was a popular figure .
7 ‘ Never , ’ writes Boswell , ‘ did I see him in a better frame ; calm , gentle , wise , holy ’ — with Johnson opining that the essence of the Crucifixion lay in showing to the world that even the Son of God suffered on account of sin , and in doing so , displayed how heinous a thing sin must be .
8 But again the questions — was Boswell telling the truth about Johnson , or was he presenting him in the best possible light ?
9 He was more confident than his first ‘ angel ’ that heaven would provide him with the best of both worlds , and he wrote jauntily to his second wife that he had prayed that
10 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
11 But we hope so , but I do n't I 'm not facetious enough to think that I can change a personality in a person , but what we 're trying to do is make him feel a loving and a commitment , that we are providing him with the best we can .
12 On the contrary , his direct line to Hitler and Mussolini placed him in a better position than the monarchists to deal with Axis pressure .
13 Connolly 's observation is often taken to confirm him as a better judge of literature than of politics , but in many ways he was remarkably prescient : Home was indeed ‘ honourably ineligible ’ for the new age which was dawning in the Tory party .
14 Our white 's qualities would certainly tend very much to preserve him to a good old age , and yet he would not suffice in any number of generations to turn his subjects ' descendants white …
15 All he could think of was : ‘ Keep him in a good mood !
16 And then just up and shoot him in the good old British way .
17 When not doing his rare caddying stints , Tip can be found enjoying a beer and an occasional rum-chaser at the Dunvegan Hotel , overlooking those revered links that are a constant reminder of his glory years , and a spur to his memory when the young caddies ask him about the good old days .
18 King Don Ferdinand was going through Leon , putting the Kingdom in order , when tidings reached him of the good speed which Rodrigo had had against the Moors .
19 I lived with my husband for er , three and a half years , and I knew him for a good number of years before then , so we made a joint decision after that period of time that we were , wanted to commit ourselves
20 To her relief , although it was very faint , she found a pulse , and quickly she loosened his tie , unbuttoned his shirt and somehow manoeuvred him into a better position , all the while talking to him , reassuring him , telling him he was safe .
21 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
22 Too late then , surely , to change him for a better if the word goes against him . ’
23 It was , by now , Saturday , a day on which the registrar 's office was normally closed , so special arrangements had to be made and the registrar had to open up just for me , which , I imagine , had n't put him in the best of moods , which manifested itself when I could n't remember the date on which Nigel and I were married .
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