Example sentences of "[verb] him [prep] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Board dismissed him for allegedly failing in his duties to teach junior doctors .
2 It 's just that I do n't trust him to only take one that 's all !
3 In the Phaedo , Socrates praises Anaxagoras for saying that the world must be explained by reference to mind , and then criticizes him for not acting on the principle that he recommends .
4 He interrogates everyone : a Rouen merchant who amazes him by not having heard of mint sauce , and a canon of Evreux who informs him that in France the men read too much , while the women read next to nothing ( o rarer still Emma Bovary ! ) .
5 The likeliest explanation of his defeat in the executive 's constituency section vote is that party activists wanted to rebuke him for publicly rocking the boat during the passage of the policy review .
6 Of course I wanted to help but did n't want to startle him by suddenly appearing .
7 Dustin managed to get a part , but then the brittle Dexter , not known to suffer actors gladly , told him to kindly leave the stage .
8 Needless to say I got a little excited and told him to quietly shut the engine down and if he wanted to wash the coveralls tonight in gasoline to go about a hundred and fifty yards over there .
9 Personally , I would expect him to still make the trip .
10 David ( under 48 kilo category ) held a full two-year unbeaten record until recently , when a fractured elbow caused him to narrowly lose the 1991 Junior British Championships , a title he won in 1990 .
11 If you take that kind of view , then of course Russell 's persistent emotionality and his characterization of the world in these personal terms is a failure , erm something that he was never able to overcome , something for all his passionate moral convictions prevented him from really seeing himself at one with other people .
12 Mr Reynolds was also shown the ward day-room and introduced to other patients to help him settle down , but his anxiety about his condition prevented him from really relaxing .
13 And to think that once she had accused him of having a shard of ice in his heart — some wound from previous love affairs that prevented him from ever revealing his real feelings to any woman .
14 There was a core of hardness to him that prevented him from ever responding to her .
15 Both Simon Draper and Ken Berry had been vehement in their opposition to Branson even contemplating rehiring Wilson , and advised him to now tear up the contract and be done with it .
16 His personal appreciation of Adam 's help , however , did not prevent him from strongly criticizing his cynical principle of teaching , by which ( according to John ) he cultivated an unnecessarily complicated approach to dialectic in order to enhance his own reputation ; and John took care to stress that Adam was not his teacher .
17 E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again .
18 She saw he was nervous , and encouraged him by gently stroking his neck and shoulders .
19 She 'd accused him of always looking at other women : looking , looking , as though for the next conquest .
20 I could hear her scolding him for not having contacted her sooner , not having brought me to see her , asking whether I was safe , was someone with me , who was looking after me .
21 In any case , she hated him , hated him for never making love to her any more .
22 At first Margery hated him for always showing off ; and for mocking others who were suffering ; above all for attacking the harsh and humourless atmosphere of her scrap-body factory .
23 I admired him for his decision then , I admired him for not thinking being world champion was worth the risk , and I admire him still for maintaining a moral stance .
24 He became angry , as though I had personally betrayed him by not giving him a boy . ’
25 Tell him to fucking hurry . ’
26 Tell him to just fuck .
27 Damn him for ever coming into my life !
28 Of course , this did n't stop him from shamelessly flirting with and teasing the scores of solicitous museum officials that came to see him ! ’
29 But Dubcek was not as popular at home where some still blamed him for not standing up to the Warsaw Pact in 1968 and therefore being responsible for a 23year military occupation by Soviet forces .
30 Kenneth Jackson 's crooning struck a wrong note with police who arrested him for allegedly disturbing the peace .
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