Example sentences of "[verb] very [adj] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Someone with short-term memory loss lives very much in the present and is able to enjoy what they do , even if they can not recall it a few minutes later .
2 ‘ She is tall and fair and fair-skinned , a nice green dress , good-looking I should say , although it was artificial light and I should think she looks very different in the day time … yes , I should think very different .
3 That 's true and it looks very fresh in the spring .
4 Bogwood looks particularly good and the staining gives brown water that looks very natural in the estuarine aquarium .
5 If you treat other people , including your child , with consideration , you will need very little in the way of formal manners teaching .
6 Now unless we think that dreams can unravel very fast in the mind , much faster , and there is some evidence that that 's true actually , that dreams can in fact happen quicker than you could think of them in conscious time .
7 But while England was coming to be seen as a reasonably important power after having looked very weak in the middle of the sixteenth century , a more conspicuous change was the emergence of the Netherlands .
8 Teaching materials usually provide very little in the way of explicit rationale which would enable teachers to modify them in a principled way with reference to the ideas which inform them .
9 Devices like Hewlett-Packard 's DeskJet are becoming very significant in the office market just as the first wave of page printers is due to be pensioned off
10 Jarlsberg is very popular in the United States and is becoming very well-known in the UK .
11 Lucy 's looking very nice in a very nice skirt today .
12 No I she 's looking very nice in a nice skirt .
13 It was Dottie , looking very smart in a new scarlet coat and a little matching hat , fairly exuding personality and with a huge bunch of daffodils in one hand and a bulging hold-all in the other .
14 Although not quite running the place now , was in good spirits and still looking very smart in a collar and tie .
15 Lady Walters , looking very pretty in a pale blue sequinned satin dress was the very able Chairman of this year 's ball .
16 The little girl too was much improved , no longer neglected , looking very pretty in the new shoes he had bought for her .
17 ‘ The hunters will be in — only the rough ponies will be turned out , ’ McLeish observed out of childhood knowledge as he led her towards his car , looking very forlorn in the big parking area .
18 He sprang out , looking very dapper in a dark silky suit , and shook their hands enthusiastically .
19 It is grown very high in the foothills of the Himalayas and has a light grapy flavour , although I find it can become slightly acidic if brewed for too long .
20 The concerns of a small group of desert raiders probably came very low in the order of priorities at the time .
21 Yet many small and medium companies can not give very much in the way of resources and may be in need of a great deal for themselves .
22 It 'll feel very cold in the fresh , northerly wind , the temperatures reaching eleven celsius , fifty two fahreneheit at best .
23 EDFAX and COMMUNITEL can be seen very much in the discovery learning sector of computer software and school librarians and teachers can be instrumental in guiding pupils to be creative , using a range of information and artistic skills .
24 ‘ We believed very much in the significance of what we were doing , ’ said Secord , leaving for a moment the sticky operational details .
25 Symbolism had been fun in his early days with her , but it was something that had turned very sour in a live-in situation .
26 The final dance item was a grand pas from Paquita , not the version we are accustomed to , but looking , if anything , even more authentic , and danced very much in the grand manner it deserves .
27 Professional models do not always look very convincing in a factory or a highly technical laboratory .
28 " You did n't even look very pretty in the photographs she showed me . "
29 Longer floats can look very loopy in a medium yarn , which is fine if you want a loopy effect , but the more conventional approach is to limit loopiness !
30 A decision made in Whitehall may look very different in the North East of England .
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