Example sentences of "[verb] also [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He had begun in 1833 to work also on 10 plates for Gould 's Monograph of Toucans , a single volume of 34 plates on a single species similar to Lear 's own original Parrot publication , and which was to finish in the same year , 1835 , as the Birds of Europe .
2 Erm , clearly we are in a room full of people who have a more than marginal interest in the political process erm and that goes for your boundaries of Cambridge city councils er remit and clearly contains also to parliamentary methods erm I 'm trying not to be desperately partisan about this , I do n't expect anybody erm but a phrase has been used earlier this evening from another quarter about if it 's not broke do n't fix it , erm the boundary commission have looked at the boundaries of the Cambridge city constituency have found that it is up to ninety nine percent of the right and proper er number of electors .
3 The Griffiths inquiry stemmed also from broader concerns in the provision of welfare in the late twentieth century .
4 The defendant has to reply in writing also within 14 days , confirming which items are agreed and at which figure , which items are not agreed and why , and giving his counter-proposals .
5 Applying those considerations to the present case , their Lordships are of the view that since the plaintiff was well aware that the defendants would be acting also for other vendors of comparable properties and in so doing would receive confidential information from those other vendors , the agency contract between the plaintiff and the defendants can not have included either ( a ) a term requiring the defendants to disclose such confidential information to the plaintiff or ( b ) a term precluding the defendants acting for rival vendors or ( c ) a term precluding the defendants from seeking to earn commission on the sale of the property of a rival vendor .
6 Its overall appearance , however , depends also on non-radial rays .
7 L. Stettner quotes Sachs : She quotes also from other studies to show that these co-operatives are better able to survive under adversity than are conventionally organised plywood manufacturing firms , and why : in a phrase , higher productivity , so much higher as to result in some cases in value added per labour-hour of more than twice that of those firms .
8 We must look also at other areas of privatised industry .
9 It is true also that with respect to free trade in some of the more intractable areas ( which happen also in many cases to be of greatest interest to Britain ) some progress has been made .
10 Language is as old as consciousness , language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men , and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well ; language like consciousness , only arises from the need , the necessity of intercourse with other men .
11 This is perhaps more evident in the case of longer courses where teachers are displaced from their pedagogic habitat for considerable periods of time , but it exists also in shorter courses .
12 This danger exists also in secondary schools where the governors ' report must include information in a prescribed form in relation to public examinations — in effect , a publication of results .
13 It 's only a rough guide , so , after reading the definition of each category , look also at those abilities which you feel are strongest in you .
14 During the infusion , the animals were kept in semirestraining Bollman type cages as used also in secretory studies .
15 Older texts , however , may exist also in critical editions .
16 It was shabby but civilised , alive with history but inhabited also by living poets and thinkers who could be found squatting on the slotted metal floors of the stacks , or arguing pleasantly at the turning of the stair .
17 The exhibition and catalogue concentrate also upon certain problems , essentially of authorship and chronology , which have bedevilled understanding of the period 1500–1515 .
18 Prior to that date , it applied also to non-private customers .
19 Section 7(1) could be construed as applying to previous enactments , but it was argued that it applied also to subsequent enactments .
20 Heavy fighting continued notwithstanding yet another ceasefire agreement signed by the warring factions on Dec. 13 , providing also for humanitarian corridors to be opened to evacuate the Sarajevo population .
21 And both the organisations were co-signatories of a letter — signed also by leading figures in the book business , including BA president John Hitchin , PA president Paul Scherer and Anthony Sampson , chairman of the Society of Authors — which was sent in December to the Chancellor under the auspices of the National Book Committee 's ‘ Do n't Tax Reading ’ campaign .
22 Rhizomes , runners and bulbils are alternative forms of vegetative reproduction common in grasses and sedges , and known also in many dicotyledons .
23 Partly to counter these charges the EC has constantly tried to develop its relations with other countries and this applies also to cultural relations .
24 This , as might be expected , is an extreme example of an issue that applies also in other areas : differing and sometimes intangible conventions on what constitutes a live , closed , or dormant ‘ case ’ .
25 He argues that the lessons on communication that came from what was essentially a fundholding project could apply also to non-fundholding practices .
26 Next comes the question whether the harmonizing measure should be confined to international transactions or should apply also to domestic transactions and , if the former , what tests of internationality should be applied .
27 This point can help us understand the contradictions within recorded popular music : the fact that there is no simple return to oral techniques ; that the record form carries a vast range of content types ( including ‘ literate ’ ballads related to bourgeois traditions ) ; that production methods also differ widely , often using written components as well as ‘ oral ’ techniques ; that the modern recording studio is actually more suited to producing precisely synchronized rhythms and textures , and complex structural processes , than is notation ( as well as being suited also to other things ) .
28 The second hand , evidently that of one of Lalande 's assistants , appears also in unique copies of two motets , Veni Creator ( revised version ) and Cantate Domino ( Psalm xcv ) ( part of the Lutz private collection in Strasbourg ) , suggesting that these copies are more closely linked to the composer 's workshop than has hitherto been suspected , despite the collection 's late date ( 1739 ) .
29 The police are obviously involved also in other activities which bring them into contact with employees and a good relationship with them in these other areas will often be beneficial to reaching a quick and satisfactory solution to all sides when violence does occur ’ .
30 Reports grew also of anti-government demonstrations in Iraqi cities .
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