Example sentences of "[verb] me as [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of them kisses me as if I had won a prize for the most amusing and far-fetched story of the evening .
2 She stood up as I entered the room , greeting me as if we were in a drawing-room in Chelsea or Gloucestershire and not in prison .
3 It promises to be difficult enough without John and Kate treating me as if I 'm a sensitive convalescent .
4 Towards the end of the thirteen-year marriage she was treating me as if I was someone the cat had brought home .
5 You are treating me as if I were another Rosette Fournier . ’
6 Those People treated me as if I were no better than an animal .
7 Agrippa 's black cat sat beneath one of the heavy , gold-encrusted arrasses , crouched like a panther , his amber eyes studying me as if I was a mouse .
8 He pulled me to my feet , and flung his arms around me and squeezed me as if he wanted to gather me right into himself , never let me go , and we stayed like that for a long time , not speaking , rocking to and fro .
9 Three figures , their faces muffled by cloaks and broad-brimmed hats , seized me and began to beat me as if I was some dog .
10 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
11 ‘ You tested me as if I were some wretched little circus dog at the Carnival , doing tricks to please you ?
12 They think that I 'm just a mousy old woman , and could n't possibly know what goes on — they 've taken away all confidential work from me and Mr. Lennis treats me as if I were a half-wit .
13 But you 've worked me harder than any donkey and you 've let Tom , Amos and Oseri bait me as if I were a chained bear . "
14 The letter announcing my visit lay unopened on the mat when she opened the door , and an hour later I came away believing that I admired a woman who could , under these circumstances and in some pain , treat me as if I had just stepped round the corner for a packet of tea ten minutes before , and talk to me about this and that , and nothing at all .
15 Look , I appreciate the use of the bathroom , but that damn well does n't give you the right to stand there with that superior look on your face , lecturing me as if I were a child . ’
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