Example sentences of "[verb] them on to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But even among the backward and traditional , two kinds of country people were the major pillars of the ancient ways — the old and the women , whose ‘ old wives ’ tales ' passed them on to new generations , and occasionally , for the benefit of city men , to collectors of folklore and folksong .
2 In addition to the barristers in practice , a considerable number have used the Bar as a stepping stone or crutch leading them on to other things .
3 For a time she became a pony-dealer , buying horses from tinkers and selling them on to English buyers .
4 The best way to enjoy Italian white truffles is to shave them on to hot , simple food — risotto , taglioni or fresh pasta .
5 Their sedentary way of life , the fact that individual families could become units of production and could not only store considerable surpluses , but pass them on to subsequent generations , now meant that the old egalitarian and cooperative values of the hunter-gatherers were gone for ever .
6 An alternative for viewing and drawing small peels or segments of larger peels is to mount them in 35 mm transparency mounts ( preferably with glass both sides ) and to project them on to white paper or card , on which tracings can be made .
7 These were being lowered to the roof-top , where Repo Men guided them on to powered sleds and steered them into the lift .
8 Try tracing them on to thin card .
9 He and Amy had collected large stones from the beach , looking for those with holes in them — and he had strung them on to strong cord and tied them along one side of the playpen .
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