Example sentences of "[verb] them [conj] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Buchanan had to hit them and push them to the top of the rock .
2 Many old people tell their elderly friends , in confidence , that although they worry sometimes about various things in the house that need attention and are beyond their capabilities , they do n't like to keep mentioning ‘ this and that ’ to their children when they visit , as they are only too delighted to see them and feel it is a bit hard to put them to work as soon as they arrive .
3 I remember when the Andy Warhol lot came with Pork to The Roundhouse — we all went off specially to see them and meet them afterwards . ’
4 Moving on to Zimbabwe 's admission to Test ranks , one can only congratulate them and wish them well , while inevitably questioning their prospects in that kind of company .
5 Phenolic precursors of the quinones that link amino-acid chains to form sclerotin are widely distributed , though some Apterygotes lack them and harden their cuticles by disulphide linkages ( Krishnan , 1969 ) .
6 Just drag them and drop them — the formulae will still refer to the cells they referred to previously .
7 And what he used to do in this , he had a string in the and er he could the string put some some er crumbs in the in the er in a and the birds go in and he used to he used to catch them and we used to kill them and pluck them you know .
8 Using a cream gives time for the hydrogen peroxide to be in contact with the bacteria in order to kill them or inhibit their division .
9 ‘ But I would like to thank them and let them know how very grateful I am and how much it helps to know his grave is being cared for . ’
10 Yes we do make them and sell them .
11 What d do you make them or sell them or what ?
12 Eat them or mash them up and put them on your face — with their soothing properties , carrots really earn their ‘ skin-food ’ label .
13 According to Beamish , the IFL knew of three remedies to the Jewish question : to kill them , sterilize them or segregate them .
14 They cause no great problem to anybody , and what ought to happen is that the gipsies and certainly the tinkers ought to be encouraged to buy sites and develop them and police them themselves .
15 Sports heroes and pop stars provide images for teenagers , who may imitate them and style themselves upon them .
16 You see traditionally people used to think of an evaluation as something that was very convergent and first people gathered lots of evidence , and then they wrote a set of recommendations or conclusions , and you were supposed to agree them or follow them afterwards .
17 Hunt them or gather them
18 In Africa visitors are looked upon as a blessing and people go out of their way to meet them and make them feel truly welcome and at home .
19 Whereas here , you 're still very busy , but er you have the membership just on your doorstep and you can get to meet them and know them a lot closer than you would when you 're having er a large volume of people filing through your doors in the city centre .
20 Gust of warmth , beer and music rushing out to meet them and suck them in towards the bar .
21 At an ordinary time it would have been almost impossible to enter undetected , but tomorrow morning , when the Lord of Parfois brought home from France his forty knights and their followings , and the entire population of the castle came out to meet them and bring them in , then one more insignificant boy might very well slip unnoticed into the throng and get by the guard at the gate unchallenged .
22 I have to accept them and face them and then I can learn how to deal with them .
23 When they were long enough , he intended to curl them and allow them to extend down at the sides of his mouth .
24 However , they have told me recently that , when I was about nine or ten , they thought me a bully because I would surreptitiously pinch them or pull their hair in order to keep them in line — that is , in order to make them behave as my parents would have wished them to .
25 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
26 If females are concentrated together then it is much easier for a single male to herd them and defend them from other males .
27 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
28 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
29 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
30 Such men as Joseph Crawhall of Newcastle , Andrew Tuer and Claud Lovat Fraser have striven to revive them and imitate them , with their woodcuts , their simple stories and their irresistible humour .
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