Example sentences of "[verb] one [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The team has been scrutinising new data collected during April , and last week they found one proton-antiproton collision recorded in their apparatus which bears the hallmarks of a Z o .
2 Before Haussmann attempts had been made by various small companies to provide street lighting by gas , but once again it required the drive and determination of the new regime to bring all these together and to create one large company charged with the responsibility of lighting the whole of the city .
3 ‘ We build a device that gives people the same power over information that large corporations and the Government have had over people , ’ proclaimed one promotional video made by Apple Computer Company .
4 2 had already had one primary melanoma diagnosed before referral to the surveillance clinic .
5 I remember one particular conference held in Dublin in Ballyfermot , around 1973 .
6 As part of an earlier rationalisation process Scotland lost one such unit based at East Kilbride .
7 It 's an old bell and it might only have one good noise left in it .
8 It was a good case he wanted us to remember that there 's a hunger for the word of God and that what we should be worried about was poverty in the things of the spirit but he made the blank statement and it shocked one young man called John who at the time was the minister of a church extension charge in one of our deprived housing situations .
9 ‘ Biggest Acid Rain Polluter in Western Europe ’ read one 60-foot message stretched across the CEGB 's entrance .
10 There remains one last letter dated September 1767 amongst those examined for this chapter .
11 Auntie Jean 's spare room , in which Mum lay curled up in her pink nightie , her hair unbrushed , had one entire wall made of mirrored cupboards which were stuffed with old but glittering evening dresses from the perfumed days .
12 And now she had one bony hand extended towards Charles at the top of the table and in it was her dinner fork with a piece of meat still speared on it .
13 The rest of the building comprises one long room divided by woven screens .
14 Lot a hundred and twenty two overture snuff box Der Freischutz this one , Lot one two two for which I have one thousand pounds offered , one hundred , two hundred three hundred four hundred one thousand five hundred one thousand six hundred , any more at one thousand six hundred pounds ?
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