Example sentences of "[verb] been [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 He 's always been surrounded by people who think everything else he does is marvellous , but one of the points of our relationship has been that I 've always criticised his work , and for me those double portraits of the Seventies came perilously close to Photo-Realism . ’
2 The cold of the night was deepening and I was weaker than I 'd been when I set out .
3 Yes , we have , mm , but I suppose I 'd been because I do n't want the bother of , yes .
4 It it should have been because I put in .
5 the other day but yeah it must have been cos I have n't seen any papers since Monday how many thousands do n't pay on not paying their television licence .
6 The thing is , it 's been so long since I 've been that I have n't got a clue how much tickets are likely to be .
7 I 've been cos I have n't been to the R A F club for ages there .
8 Lesser rorqual , pilot whales , Risso 's dolphins , killer whales and porpoises are all likely to be met with in Shetland waters and most of my close encounters have been while I have been drifting with the motor stopped .
9 Lord , you understand why I have been as I have .
10 Yeah , I have been cos I 've been bored really so all I do is study .
11 If I have been primarily expository hitherto ( and I have been because I believe Callinicos ' book to be the best on this subject that we have ) I will now begin to turn to criticism ; or at least to trying to ventilate that reservation which , faced by Callinicos , certainty , will not be stilled .
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