Example sentences of "[verb] been [adj] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The threat to coal jobs has been much more from gas than from imported coal .
2 The contextual statements in the introduction are taken from the guide of twelve years ago , with no apparent recognition that in traffic planning terms there has been little short of a revolution in the intervening period .
3 After all the speculation about the possible disagreements between them , their encounter has been little short of anodyne .
4 Since 1975 , the index has been current weighted by expenditure in the latest available year .
5 Orders growth has been less strong in other regions
6 It has been chilly these past few nights .
7 Mind you , there wo n't be too much muttering about top-roping from other Scottish climbers given that almost every ascent of Fated Path ( on the same crag ) has been top-roped prior to leading , despite that route having fixed protection all the way up !
8 However , much of the work has been experimental due to technical problems in restoring paths .
9 Fishing has been patchy due to the cool temperatures but anglers expect it to get better when the winds turn south westerly .
10 People are unlikely to pay much more attention to his decisions just because there has been some fiddling with the constitution .
11 Where the nature of development has been capital intensive in LDCs , the proletariat will be small .
12 Simon was convinced , or persuaded himself , that he 'd been ill used by Constanza , that their marriage had been a mistake , a youthful mistake , the kind of thing one did in a war .
13 This was the first time they 'd been out together since the alleged phone-calls , and if there 'd been any more since then she had n't mentioned it .
14 Conditions for a Sussex ‘ miner , , or factor carbonis , can have been little different from that of later centuries , a nomadic life lived in the woods , shelter in bad weather being provided by the simple turf-covered pole shelters that were still in use forty years ago .
15 Given the importance of the " last in , first out " principle in British industry , the experiences of many members of the temporary labour force would have been little different from what they actually were .
16 According to a correspondent of The Graphic , these 19th-century visitors must have been little different from today's-instead of gasping at the 70-kilometre vista spread before them , their first reaction on arrival at the top was to write commemorative postcards .
17 From that time which here and elsewhere has been vaguely defined as the dawn of civilisation , to the time when the need to have a ‘ god ’ had reached the point where traces of its implementation were left for modern man to find , must have been many thousands of years .
18 As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I presume that I must have been unconscious most of the time .
19 Well yes you , you , you 've got two , one is you 've got erm the rural poor who will provide a labour force in the countryside for rich peasants and you 've , because you have got a labour market and because there are no limits on mobility , then presumably there will be some poor peasants who will decide no I 'll get out , I 'll industry 's going to get going , I will be able to earn more money in a town , or sons would go off and , and so , so there should be , you should provide a , have a supply of labour , whereas if you 've got everybody , if everybody had been in middle peasant status erm there would have been no incentive to do that because everybody would have been self sufficient within the countryside .
20 The conduct of an increasing number of the young would have been unthinkable 30 to 40 years ago .
21 For the young , there must have existed an inherited inborn enjoyment of life , for it can fairly safely be assumed that the pleasure experienced by them when at play , so obvious to modern man , must have been observable all through evolution .
22 He could have been scared rigid for all I know . ’
23 ‘ Imagine that ! ’ she had said again , to her escort , who wore white gloves , of course , because it was evening , but whose name she could never remember — it might have been any one of half a dozen — and whose fresh , young face was in shadow .
24 It could have been any one of those residents , even the frailest woman .
25 Given the richness of interconnections between the boxes , it could have been any one of them that was dubbed the conscious one , so we would need something more by way of justification for choosing any particular one .
26 It could have been any one of many faces opposite me in a fashionable Italian restaurant , a woman heavily scented , expensively ajingle .
27 He could have been any one of the brothers .
28 So your on your only answer is , well it could have been any one of these five .
29 The iron mine could have been any one of several in this region there are a number of veins or strings of haematite which have been tried , as well as some quite extensive deposits .
30 The path that is output might have been any one of many equal interpretations . )
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