Example sentences of "[verb] been [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hear the English faculty has been on to Humphrey already , ’ he volunteered .
2 That puppy-dog expression of one who has been up to mischief and is worried you will find out but knows you will forgive him anyway .
3 He has been back to Wirral once since then , in 1988 .
4 so erm tt so anyway Saturday we gets to Durham , she 's says oh your Alex was just been on phone , she 'd , she 'd been up to school to do a hockey match
5 she 'd been up to Scotland
6 Oh she 'd been up to Pearks
7 She said she 'd been back to bed .
8 For many this was the first time they 'd been back to Parham in thirty six years .
9 He returned for his father 's funeral , the first time he 'd been back to Zimbala in seventeen years , and Jamel was able to persuade him to stay on as the new editor of the country 's leading daily newspaper , La Voix .
10 no , I forgot well see I forgotten and I 'd been down to Boots an all I , aunty Mary had them once , one time and said
11 Sometimes when we 'd been out to clubs Bernie would give me a lift home to my parents ' , right out in Greenford where we 'd moved just about the time I started keeping twilight hours .
12 If Gesell had killed DeVore , they 'd have been back to square one .
13 Vaguely she wondered if Kate and Stephen had been up to mischief .
14 Unfortunately , Fenella takes her duties terribly seriously and would have a minute by minute report of what Springsteen had been up to while I 'd been away .
15 By the time she reappeared , she had been up to Scotland and back , to spend the weekend with Charles at the Queen Mother 's home , Birkhall .
16 And the day after Holly had been up to London to apply from the Consulate for a visa there had been the telephone call at Letterworth Engineering .
17 Benny heard from Patsy that the Healys had been up to Dublin to look for a child to adopt but they had n't got one because Mr Healy had a weak chest .
18 His secretary had been out to lunch , and he had been going through the files stored on the disk she was currently using , looking for a copy of a contract that he urgently needed to check .
19 The Masters had been out to dinner and were well mellowed , wide awake and disposed to chat , but sitting in their quarry-tiled kitchen-diner , with thousands of pounds ' worth of elegant cabinet work and expensive machinery around him , McLeish managed to extract a coherent story .
20 One spring evening we had been out to dinner and came back to find Clare bounding downstairs with excitement .
21 Jean-Claude had been back to Reine twice during the year , to visit his mother .
22 It was also first time she had been back to Earth since being drafted into Spacefleet , escaping , and running for the stars in a clapped-out old trading ship owned by a clapped-out old trader .
23 ‘ Anyhow , Grandfather had been down to John Adrich 's at the bottom of the hill and he 'd bought himself a grin'stone for sharpening tools .
24 I 've been on to Di this long time and have one like that , then you can and put down so you can have more room , you know , when you put it out .
25 Well I , I 've been on to world wom women 's committee and they assure me that they , the hospital says these tests should come through in a week , at the most three week 's , but you can phone them , so that certainly has improved , there does n't seem to be a back log .
26 Your not waiting till you 've been up to London .
27 What that basically means , wherever that happens anywhere else in the country , you go to South Wales , you go to West Lothian , places like that I 've been up to West Lothian , all services are reduced when your main industry 's removed from an area .
28 I 've been up to church .
29 Oh you 've been up to Joe 's have you mum ?
30 I 've been round to Merle 's .
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