Example sentences of "[verb] n't have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't have to do a thing , they just took over . ’
2 She did n't have to do a lot to get results .
3 I did n't have to do a thing .
4 Okay , so he was a porter , low man in the hierarchy , but this was the kind of time when the barriers went down and he did n't have to wear a label .
5 Then she found that she did n't have to say a word for , his expression the harshest she had ever seen it , Ven was wasting no further time , but was letting forth with a snarled , ‘ Just who the hell are you ? ’
6 If so then it 's hardly surprising you did n't have to cancel a date tonight . ’
7 Davey and I were lucky : we did n't have to share a room .
8 ‘ He did n't have to make a fuss of Steve before the game — he knew he was capable . ’
9 Er Ministers are often in a very grave difficulty these days , if they do n't listen er er they 're accused o o of being autocratic , i i if they do listen , er then they 're accused of making u-turns , well even the gathering swine did n't have to make a u-turn , a change of direction would have been quite sufficient and I welcome the change of direction which the Home Secretary ha has made erm the objectives of this Bill are I think to be commended , but it is be perfectly clear from the outset that you ca n't combat crime by antagonising everyone concerned with the enforcement of law and order , the police authorities , the police and the magistrates .
10 Ken Vasey did n't have to make a save in the first half , did n't really have to did n't give Charlton a chance , and even in the second half when Charlton came forward more and more , they did n't really have any chances erm one that Lee volleyed over the bar , one that was headed over the crossbar , and the chance that went in the net , so they still did n't have many chances , but erm United somehow erm construed to drop two points , and erm yes , dreadfully disappointing .
11 But I was on medical and BUPA hospitals had special arrangements where they did n't have to have a cheque and where did n't have to have a banker 's order .
12 But I was on medical and BUPA hospitals had special arrangements where they did n't have to have a cheque and where did n't have to have a banker 's order .
13 No well that 's what he said , it does n't but I mean he went through all these and insurance companies and because of my kidney being removed I had to pay , I had to pay higher even though I did n't have to have a bloody medical but I had to pay high because of my
14 ‘ You mean because you did n't have to get a job if you did n't want to ? ’
15 YOU do n't have to watch a free-kick for a pantomime as suggested in last week 's column .
16 Those are covered by a special arrangement where we do n't have to collect a cheque we do n't have a banker 's order but it 's done through a erm a company invoice
17 I leave at 7.30am and by 8am have checked Skipper over and given him a small handful of feed in his manger ( which seems to keep him happy when other horses are fed and means I do n't have to wait an hour for him to digest a full feed ) .
18 You do n't have to undergo a medical , or answer any questions about your health .
19 It 's you do n't have to sell a lot if er you 've got a couple of full pages and a couple halves .
20 Snooker 's a lot more fun when you do n't have to wear a tie and waistcoat — who in their right mind would want to do that ?
21 You do n't have to take a medical examination to join AA Hospital Plus : in fact , your acceptance is guaranteed .
22 Well , I do n't have to paint a picture , now do I ? ’
23 Most machines come minus a cartridge , but you do n't have to spend a fortune — Audio-Technica produce a perfectly acceptable one for £19 , although that is rock bottom : there are genuine improvements to be had by budgeting for four times that amount .
24 The vast majority hire boots and skis so you do n't have to spend a lot of money on gear before you find out if skiing is for you .
25 You do n't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty , healthy meals .
26 You do n't have to spend a lot of money to look just nice looking I mean d' you know , er just you know nice appearing , clean appearing or something like that that will do and beauty most of it its come from inside .
27 So for the majority of formulae that 's all you need to do to make the formulae copyable , so when I got this extra product to insert just insert the rows , copy the formula down and that change is made very quickly indeed , I do n't have to spend a lot of time understanding and editing the formulae .
28 You do n't have to kill a man because he 's got more money and a nicer home than you have . ’
29 A path is simply a set of instructions like that , but you do n't have to type a long string of commands to do the job .
30 Consequently , you do n't have to type a space between a keyword and a variable ( but it does make it easier to read your program ) .
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