Example sentences of "[verb] n't [vb pp] [pers pn] out " in BNC.

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1 And could be that other Blake-Dax goodies are on the way — though this one has n't made it out of rumoursville at present .
2 ‘ The embargo has n't flushed them out , has it ? ’
3 Yes , I mean it , erm , Mr is quite right , and I 'm very surprised at the length of time , I 'm not sure if he 's still in on planning , but he 's certainly been on and off it a lot , erm , has n't worked it out yet .
4 Surely she had n't chucked it out ?
5 I 'll , I 'll get you some in a minute , er , I 'll carry on if er , if er , you do n't mind I 've got , oh here we are , I fo , I had n't given them out sorry .
6 She opened her mouth to fire a barbed reply , then , remembering where she would have been waking up if he had n't bailed her out , she bit her tongue .
7 Suddenly she realized she had n't put it out properly and said , ‘ Excuse me , Mr Tiller , I think I 'm on fire . '
8 God ! he had n't thrown her out .
9 In case you had n't figured it out already , or have been vacationing in the Amazon rain forest , ACE is well and truly dead .
10 ‘ And if you had n't got me out in time ? ’
11 Oh I 'd be fine if you had n't pulled me out of line
12 So he had n't let him out .
13 The part of me which made the mistake with the buck , letting it get the better of me for a moment , might still be around if that acid test had n't found it out .
14 She had n't thought it out properly before , but it hit her squarely and solidly now .
15 best of it is he had n't taken it out of the
16 It depends on you , in what context you 're looking at it , the timescale of that , but they have n't ruled it out completely .
17 Do n't tell me your men have n't checked her out ? ’
18 Among the celebs busting to catch a glimpse of Nick 's end-of-the-pier nostalgia show were CLING POPPIE , JOHN from the NED 'S , SUEDE drummer SIMON , PAVEMENT , SEAN HUGHES ( cor , have n't seen him out for ages ) , ALAN and DAVE from the ROCKING BIRDS ( Hey !
19 Whether or not he was altogether comfortable in such a role is another matter ; when Lawrence Durrell once suggested to him that he was not a Christian at all but more like a Buddhist or a primitive he replied only with a question , " Perhaps they have n't found me out yet ? "
20 Well , I suppose to find out his surname , but I have n't found it out , but they said they would stop it anyway .
21 Well I have n't , have n't had it out this year .
22 Cos I have n't sorted them out yet !
23 But once again they have n't worked hers out , I mean she told them she was down here in January and she still has n't had a bill yet for the end of this year .
24 ‘ I have n't worked it out in detail , ’ Melissa admitted , ‘ but I was thinking about it while you were putting her through your puff-and-blow routine … ’
25 They have n't worked it out yet , but they 're sure it 's something to do with Mrs C. and her damned medicines . ’
26 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
27 I have n't got it out of my system yet .
28 You have n't figured it out yet ?
29 Absolutely no idea Lynda , I have n't taken it out .
30 cos I have n't taken it out , but you know , I did n't think any more about it now we 're going to church right away ?
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