Example sentences of "[verb] n't [verb] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His room was no bigger than Fat Eric 's , but the people in the house were friendlier , slimmer , and did n't boast of spinal surgery .
2 My grandfather saying that everything was going downhill , my grandmother talking of progress , but neither expecting it for that year or the next , they did n't dream of real change , not in their lifetime nor their children 's .
3 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
4 He did n't approve of Celtic influence on what he called " the pure springs of Anglo-Saxon democracy " , holding that most of what had gone wrong with Britain over the past thousand years or so was the fault of " Celtic individualism " .
5 ‘ I thought you did n't approve of manual labour , ’ Oliver said .
6 Must be yours , I do n't think of stupid things like that .
7 ‘ I do n't disapprove of go-go dancers .
8 I do n't approve of late marriages , especially for women .
9 ‘ He does n't approve of satisfying one 's curiosity or of seeking out the notorious .
10 Do you know , they have n't heard of Mystical Medley ?
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