Example sentences of "[verb] she be [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 Alexandra tells you after she 's wet , but she ca n't tell you before , because she does n't know she 's going to !
2 Lucy who did n't know she was going to be pounced on .
3 ‘ We invited him to appear and talk us through some film of him as a boy , and he did n't know she was going to be there .
4 Yes I did know she was going to be in Caracas and No I did n't tell you and Yes that was wrong but would it have been better if I 'd told you ?
5 Matter of fact , I 'd forgotten she was going to be in the bloody country until she turned up .
6 ‘ The Duke wants to marry his cousin , Princess Flavia , but people say she 's going to be King Rudolf 's wife and the Queen . ’
7 She says she 's going to .
8 She leaves , he believing she is going to the dentist .
9 Yes , I do n't think she 's going to be short , do you ?
10 As James Gilbey , a member of the distilling dynasty who has known Diana since she was 17 , noted : ‘ She said to me recently that she had n't made any date in her diary past July because she does n't think she is going to be there . ’
11 She said she had n't , but I do n't think she was listening to me .
12 And where exactly did she think she was running to ?
13 Then he realized she was referring to sex .
14 I suddenly realized she was talking to me .
15 It had worried him for a moment , he had n't been quite sure what she meant , but then he reckoned she was referring to the troubles .
16 Helen , of Moulton Grove , Fairfield , Stockton , burst into tears and had to be supported by relatives after being told she was going to a young offenders institution .
17 At the time he 'd thought she was referring to his slaying of the two men-at-arms .
18 She was fed up , she was hungry , and now she would have to confront a horde of troublesome workmen lounging about the house , banging nails , screwing screws and making ribald comments when what she had thought she was escaping to was a slice of peace and solitude .
19 ‘ We 're keeping our fingers crossed she 's going to be okay but it 's a worry when she 's ill in that area .
20 He must have known she was referring to the game he was playing with Lotta !
21 The poor frightened girl packed her things and ran out , saying she was going to Reno for a divorce .
22 That lady who won the pools and said she was going to spend , spend , spend , might have been saying she was going to You Know What , You Know What , You Know What , for the disapproval she found heaped on her .
23 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
24 Standing on the bottom step she said , not knowing she was going to , " I 've had enough , Jasper .
25 Branches clawed at her hair and she felt like she had done years ago , waiting for Jezrael to catch up , knowing she was going to be late for school , but she could n't leave her sister to struggle in on her own .
26 She looked away from him , a faint blush beginning at her jawline , and he knew she was referring to the fact that he had not betrayed her , even though he knew she had lied about being with her mother in Wales .
27 Constance heard Louise on the telephone and knew she was talking to Nora .
28 Surely Perdita would n't kick up when she knew she was going to Argentina .
29 She just went and said I 've got this you know , check up , cos she knew she was going to Christies for her final check up and , they 've whizzed her in .
30 To add to that , he hated her for what he thought she was doing to his sister .
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