Example sentences of "[verb] she [modal v] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The woman did n't even know she could trust her , for goodness ' sake !
2 Anna found she could do it quite well , but Corrie had no aptitude at all , though when it came to learning Foundling hymns she excelled .
3 Once aboard , she found she could let them off the leash .
4 In fact she 'd forgotten she 'd put it there .
5 I expect she 'll tell me all about the new job then .
6 ‘ I expect she 'll let you and Oliver come and stay some time .
7 Without turning on the light she sat up and reached for her bottle and glass , faintly alarmed to discover she could find them both by feel alone .
8 How come she can afford it ? ’
9 She could make up a story , say she suffered temporary amnesia , or that she was knocked unconscious by thieves and all her money was gone , but she doubted she could make it sound believable .
10 She had remembered somewhere else from long ago , doubted she could find it but dared .
11 Fiona Ray , who has Down 's Syndrome , was sure she could win the tough Duke of Edinburgh 's Gold Award , but experts doubted she 'd do it .
12 In the days to come she would tell me the story , she would teach me many things .
13 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
14 Lesley 's family , colleagues and friends were praying she would make it through the first critical hours .
15 Nigel believed she would assume he had something incurable with a shade of film glamour to it — leukaemia , perhaps .
16 The officer said she believed she could link them to the offence .
17 Melville says she would prefer it if he said that they loved each other , and that subtle point is not lost on anyone .
18 As one who takes HRT , Marie Brown says she would recommend it to anyone .
19 Matron says she may give you a hand today — or , indeed , at any time when things are slack on the wards . ’
20 She says she might take me to see them .
21 ‘ And Cynthia says she 'll give us a snack lunch . ’
22 He was out , but his mother says she 'll tell him , and that he will shut the hens up for me when I have to go out to visit my friend .
23 Do you know she says she 'll do it and then she says she wo n't .
24 She says she 'll forgive him .
25 They 're not expecting to return until Easter , and Private McCutcheon 's wife , Julie , says she 'll find it hard to cope without him .
26 That was bad enough , but when he told my daughter it started three weeks after they married and lasted until three months ago , she threw him out and she 's changed the locks of the house and says she will divorce him .
27 The actress says she must sell her home to pay .
28 She says she 'd love it .
29 She says she can remember it was very exciting , people from London coming down onto our farm and her father being interviewed and all the scenes she was in .
30 She says she can prove she spent money from the Worcestershire Kurdish Refugee Association on aid .
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