Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Following the death of James I , Charles I became King of England , in 1625 , and the Duke of Buckingham ( who had been James I 's favourite ) retained his influence over the throne until he was assassinated at Portsmouth , in August 1628 , but not before he had arranged the marriage of Charles I to Henrietta Maria of France .
2 Then , one by one , with the rope round his body , each man wormed his way over the ladder-bridge to the bank .
3 Willie sat back on the pouffe and traced his finger over the pictures .
4 Tossing his case over the top of it , he scrambled up and dropped lightly down on the other side .
5 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
6 Yet nothing , it seemed , could halt the flow of adrenalin that surged upwards or the flush of awareness that overwhelmed her as he cast his eyes over the carefully laid table , the food and , lastly , herself .
7 He scooped up some pellets and pushed them into an empty flower pot , keeping his thumb over the hole in the bottom .
8 Bonefish drew his hand over the abraded edges of the copper sheathing left on Masquerade 's hull .
9 Dexter moved his chair over the kitchen tiles causing a squeak that exploded round the kitchen .
10 Kragan moved his hand over the butt of his revolver and loosened it in its holster .
11 He stroked his hands over the dark fabric and shifted his shoulders against the silky lining .
12 The boy bent his head over the book with a docility unlike him .
13 He bent his head over the basin and sniffed .
14 He knocked on the wall for the boy from the cafe next door to come in , and indicated his usual order with a nod ; to the other company , he raised a slow hand , palm over his breast but not touching it , and bent his head over the paper .
15 There is no evidence that sceattas circulated widely in the Mercian hinterland and some reason to suggest in the light of a multiplicity of distinctive sceatta coinages in eastern and southern England that Aethelbald , who may have minted in Canterbury , failed to impose his authority over the issue of coins by others , ‘ a critical commentary ’ , perhaps ‘ on what Bede asserts , and on Aethelbald 's own claims ’ .
16 He moved out on to the starboard wing and trained his glasses over the starboard quarter .
17 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
18 Slinging his mac over the back of a pew he sat down and rested his feet on the one in front .
19 With his mother dead and his divorced wife living in Majorca , there is a side of Graeme Souness that the tabloids never acknowledge , a more solitary side of his life , walking his dogs over the hillsides near Edinburgh , wrapped up in football , obsessed with success and a wealthy victim of Scotland 's passion for football .
20 Cranston stared moodily down at the floorboards , scuffing his boots over the polished surface .
21 ‘ We must get all this ! ’ cried the young producer to his assistant , driving his Rover over the moors from Newcastle and pointing to the horizon .
22 Richie turned round and hooked his arms over the fence .
23 Confusion in the Scunthorpe defence almost let in Gary Bennett for a fourth minute opener , but he hooked his shot over the bar under pressure from Matthew Elliott .
24 The boatman tucked up the skirts of his galabeah , hooked his knees over the gunwale and leaned far back over the side .
25 The two head office teams battled it out for the top spot , but it was no surprise to see , a Bolton Sailing Club member along with his father , steer his craft over the line first .
26 Nansen , an excellent scientist , had realised that the polar ice drifted from east to west and reasoned that if he chose his entry point correctly the ice would tow his ship over the pole and release it near Canada .
27 The action moved to the Saints ' end where a cross from Kiwomya eluded Dozzell and Whitton but fell kindly for Guentchev only for the Bulgarian to blaze his shot over the top .
28 During the winter of 1936–7 , Franco therefore brought the right-wing militias firmly under army control and set about establishing his authority over the political parties themselves .
29 Picking his way over the diarrhoea , which had splattered all over the ground and avoiding the frantically flailing hooves of the shocked , utterly terrified , pony , Raimundo grasped her headcollar and , aided by Umberto and the other grooms , yanked her to her feet .
30 An experiment with a psychic healer passing his hands over the polymer-coated slide , resulted in a tearing of the film membrane in several places .
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