Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 The driver checked her name , jerked his head to tell her to get in , and then shot out into the evening traffic .
2 Margaux Hemingway is the fashion model who is raped by her kid sister 's music teacher in a brutal sequence that emphasises his desire to humiliate her .
3 His father had even telephoned his ex-wife to tell her about what had happened and she had then spoken to Tony , who had not heard from her for some months .
4 And she had let his kisses melt her , let his touch arouse her , his anger scorch her ; small , tender gestures had somehow reached her , frail as dandelion seeds , but becoming strongly rooted , to survive somehow in the bitter darkness of her rejection of him .
5 Blindly he moved his fingers to touch her between the thighs .
6 She nodded slightly , and he bent his head to give her a kiss which was meant to be fleeting , but which went on and on until they were breathless and shaken when he put her away from him at last .
7 He bent his head to kiss her .
8 Then he dragged her close again and bent his head to kiss her .
9 Sitting there , stroking her , the ball of his thumb soothing over and over but never so long in one place that he made her hand sore , he let his voice caress her into sleep whose dream-depths crushed her in peacock and navy .
10 The six-month-old animal fell through a hole less than two feet wide in a field at Great Burdon , Darlington and was imprisoned 12ft underground in a narrow chamber for a day until a man walking his dogs discovered her and called the RSPCA .
11 She was imprisoned 12 feet underground in a narrow chamber for a day until a man walking his dogs discovered her and called the RSPCA .
12 Meanwhile , single mothers will sit and watch the TV and watch the advertisements which all show either happy couples or one single person doing something for an unseen other : ironing his shirts , organising their mortgage , driving his Audi to visit her .
13 She says his records helped her out of a coma five years ago .
14 uses his instruments to bleed her and then
15 She could feel his eyes watching her .
16 And she had let his kisses melt her , let his touch arouse her , his anger scorch her ; small , tender gestures had somehow reached her , frail as dandelion seeds , but becoming strongly rooted , to survive somehow in the bitter darkness of her rejection of him .
17 Instead she 'd accepted his suggestion to show her more of the island of Zealand , and had been enchanted by everything , painfully aware that the spell which had entrapped her emanated from the powerful persona of the man beside her as much as the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside .
18 The next day George had seen his mother forcing her to drink a cup of cold tea full of Epsom salts to help her get rid of the milk in her breasts .
19 ‘ O.K. ’ Joe lifted his hand to stop her speaking .
20 He gestured to the divan bed , and turned his chair to face her .
21 Laughing , she dodged his attempts to catch her and ran to the door .
22 He opened his mouth to greet her , a smile lighting up his features , when he caught an unmistakable signal in her face .
23 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
24 He lit one himself , sat down and swivelled his chair to face her .
25 He swivelled his chair to face her .
26 ‘ You do n't mind ? ’ she asked , thinking it more than good of him to use his morning squiring her around , without him letting himself in for an afternoon of more of the same !
27 At last he raised his head to regard her seriously .
28 Tammuz raised his hands to silence her .
29 Matthew raised his hand to stop her .
30 Farouk raised his hand to silence her .
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